Chapter 5: Enter the danger

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Last Time: After they have survived their battle with the Clay, the Golurk who was a Cross-Void who can understand the human language calling Nero friend, they find themselves entering another battle with a threat to the town they were heading to.

Team Hope, Nero the Riolu, Bianco the Zangoose, Hale the Eevee, and Rusty the Scrafty were riding on the back of their newest ally, Clay the Golurk, flying over Bacchus town and seeing all the damaged buildings and some of the Pokémon on the ground. Something they noticed was near the town looked to be a plateau with one side of it having a large hole almost like a cave entrance, Nero didn't know what but it felt like the cave was calling to him, telling him to get close to it.

The team then noticed the group of Pokémon in the town center, some wearing cloaks, this was followed by Clay falling to the ground so they would face their now enemies. Once they were about to land one of the Pokémon wearing a cloak and laying on the ground rolled out of the way as they landed as they all gathered around. "Sorry everyone, but we're here to "Crash" this fight!" Bianco said making a pun, everyone who heard looked at them with annoyance at the dumb pun, and Nero just chuckled at it, he thought it was funny.

"Really? That was bad... by the way, who are you guys? Members of a guild?" Said the Pokémon who was lying down before he got up but only sat down with his legs crossed. Nero noticed his body, they had greyish legs and a beastly face, he knew what this Pokémon was, but he just couldn't put his mind to it.

"Yeah, we're all from a guild, we're Team Hope! Now, who are you all?" Bianco said as he tried to take the situation seriously, these five Pokémon did so much damage, the other Pokémon around town were all beaten, and some looked worse for wear. All of them knew they were a threat.

"Oh, we're just simple bandits, that." Said the lazy Pokémon with a voice that didn't sound all too convincing.

"Yeah right, you guys don't look like bandits, too small a group and you're focusing on destruction and not looting," Bianco said to the lazy Pokémon who might be the leader.

"Oh, right, we are too small a group... delinquents that just out of school and want to let out our frustration over failed test scores!" Said the leader. While he was trying to make up a cover, Ivan had moved from behind him to see who had landed before them all, his vision was blocked by their leader and saw the team.

Nero was the first to see them and pointed them out with Ivan also pointing at the Riolu. "YOU AGAIN?!" They both said in unison. "You're that jerk that burned down my friend's home!"

"Whoa, you burned down a home, which is rude Ivan." Said the leader as he shook his head.

"Whatever! This is the Riolu punk that slashed my eyelashes and made them uneven!" Ivan said in frustration.

"Whoa, you slashed his eyelash, which is rude Riolu kid." said the leader as he turned to Nero and shook his head.

"GAH! Pompey, take this seriously! That's the Riolu I told you all about!" Ivan shouted at their leader. The cloaked figure looked at Nero and back to Ivan, he did this for a while, scanning the situation. The leader then busted up laughing, it was almost like he was told a hilarious joke that was gut-wrenching. "What's so funny?!"

"You lost to a child?! HAHAHA! You're what? A young teen? You lost to a kid! That is priceless! Anyway, in actual seriousness..." The leader named Pompey had lifted themself and dusted off some dust from their cloak to present himself. "...they are in our way. They also know what we are current?"

"Wait... are all of you Cross-Voids?" Nero had asked if Ivan was with them then it had to be that they were all like Ivan, a Pokémon fused with another.

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