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"About time you guys showed up!" Ranpo pointed at his non existent watch and Edgar bowed politely. Ranpo was in an emerald green shirt and white trousers and Edgar was in his usual white, frilly shirt he always wore. The only thing different was his lack of layers.

"We could've been here earlier, if someone decided to use the bathroom before we left instead of making me pull over on a congested road to piss." Chuuya narrowed his eyes at the brunet next to him, and Dazai flashed a grin.

"If your dog wasn't guarding the bathroom I would have gone!"

"She was by the TV!"

"She could have gone for me!"

"You're so dramatic."

"I suggest we should go in before they arrive, they might spot us otherwise." Edgar shuffled around on the balls on his feet. "I don't like standing outside in the cold, especially without Karl."

"Wow, Ranpo! Looks like your fuck buddy has another guy!" Dazai chortled, slapping Ranpo on the back as they entered the expensive restaurant. Ranpo grimaced, whirling around and his paperboy hat slid down his face.

"Karl is his raccoon." Ranpo retorted, rummaging through his bag. It was true, Chuuya often saw Edgar with a raccoon perched on his shoulder, they were a pet friendly café after all. The dark haired man made a small aha sound as he whipped out four beige bucket hats and a handful of fake facial hair.

"I'm not wearing the moustaches." Chuuya snarled, Ranpo sighed.The front of house staff looked at him weirdly, and Edgar nudged him to bring his attention to the waiter.

"Hello gentlemen, your name?"

"Edgar Allan Poe!" Ranpo exclaimed in a poor American accent, his thick-rimmed glasses slipping down his nose. The waiter checked for the reservation, before nodding to himself and grabbing four menus. Beckoning them to follow him, he meandered through the dining area to a four seater booth in the corner - perfect spying placement.

"Please make yourself comfortable, my coworker will be with you shortly." And with a quick swivel, the waiter disappeared amongst the sea of tables. This gave Chuuya ample time to examine the restaurant. In the centre of the large cloth covering their table, was a tall wax candle, with a dangerous dribble of heat cascading down the side into a silver pan. The fire flickered and danced in the middle of the four, with Dazai and Chuuya opposite each other and Edgar seated next to the ginger. There were wine glasses collected in the middle, which Chuuya had no problem with taking one for his tasting of fine wine. The plates were hand painted, with delicate flowers strewn across the glass. There were different sizing forks and knifes and spoons, none of which Chuuya knew what they were for. He decided to choose the average sized ones.

The walls were a creamy white, with very detailed patterns decorating the whole room. As it forked upwards to the domed ceiling, it turned a dark greyish colour, not too dissimilar to a clouded winter afternoon. In the centre was a koi fish pond, with dark oak railings surrounding it to prevent anyone from disturbing the fish. A minuscule waterfall feature sat in the far left of the pond, and sometimes there was a fish that swam to the top and flopped down into the rest of the water. The entire venue was screaming rich, and both Chuuya and Dazai seemed ill fitted for this environment, Dazai never had the money and Chuuya had never set foot in a restaurant until his first date with the guardian angel.

"I'm bored!" Ranpo whined, head now on the table. "It's 6:31 and I don't see them!"

"Maybe Akutagawa's Mercedes broke down." Dazai snorted, Chuuya joined in with a snigger.

"Here's hoping."

"That's not very nice." Edgar frowned, "Ranpo sit up, you're in a nice restaurant."

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