chapter 39: court day

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TW: SA and violence

Elle's POV:

I was doing better than before. I was still struggling, but I could finally talk to Sadie about it. I was being honest like my therapist had told me to be. And I could finally see that my relationship with Sadie did improve as well because of that. Everything seemed like it was getting better again. Well until that happened.

I was sitting on Sadie's couch in her house and was scrolling through my phone. I was doing not very much to be honest. The day of the premiere of the movie that Sara and I made, was finally decided and there were very little scenes that were missing. We could finish them next week and until the premiere, I didn't have to see Sara again.

Sadie walked down the stairs with her hair still wet. She had just been showering. She sat down next to me with her legs crossed.

„Elle, I have to tell you something." She began saying.

I said up very fast, because I could hear that it was something important and millions of thoughts just crossed my mind.

Did I do something?

Is she not in love with me anymore?

Is she in love with someone else?

Does she not want to be with me anymore?

She took my hands into hers and looked deep into my eyes.

„Sadie, you're scaring me.." I said.

„There is this girl, her name is Hannah, she made a statement on social media about her ex-boyfriend." She began.

Hannah... Where did I hear that name before?

„Elle, she talks about Evan in that video." Sadie continued.

Hannah. Hannah was the girl he cheated on me with.

„Mhm." I answered.

„She claims that Evan hit her a lot when he got in a bad mood. She also says that he has been forcing her to sleep with him sometimes." Sadie continued.

I knew that she wanted to ask me the same thing. If he ever forced me too. And now that I think about it. Yes he did. He always talked me into it. He said he would leave me if I didn't sleep with him and stuff like that.

„mhm." I answered again.

„She asks other victims to come forward. She will be going to court. She asks other girls that have been victims of him to speak up so that he will get a punishment for it." Sadie said.

I didn't answer. I was thinking. I want Evan to be punished for what he did, but I didn't want to be seen as a victim. Because I knew that once I go to court, the media will know about it too. But when I think about it: now that Hannah has spoken up, all eyes are already on me. Everyone knows that he is my ex boyfriend. Everyone expects me to say something about it.

„Elle... what are you thinking about?" Sadie asks me while she's still holding my hands.

„I have to." I answer.

„You don't have to if you don't want to." Sadie said.

„Yes, I have to. For Hannah's sake and for my own and for the other girls he has hurt or he would hurt in the future. And also because people expect a statement from me. Everyone knows that he is my ex. And he hit me too. I was beaten too by him. I want him to be punished." I said, leaving out the part with the forced sex.

„Elle did he ever abuse you sexually too?" Sadie asked worried.

„Yes. He forced me into having sex with him. He said he would leave me otherwise. That he would beat me or tell people bad stuff about me." I said only realising now how wrong he was to do this. „He never really loved me. I was so stupid" I said.

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