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As soon as I crawl into bed and attempt to get comfy, my phone rings. I reach across my bed and pick my phone up off my end table. Isabella's name lights up across my lock screen. "Hello?" I say. "Hi, Laiken. Its Reese. I have a huge favor to ask you. Can you stop by my house and bring me my duffle bag?" "Um sure. But why? Where are you?" I ask him. "I'm at the hospital with Isabella. She's okay. I'll explain later when you get here. My mom is packing our stuff right now. The nurse thinks Isabella and I are staying overnight." "Give me half an hour. I'll be there, Reese."

Mom is still awake. I see her sewing one of my competition dresses in the living room, located at the bottom of the stairway. "Hi honey. I thought you were sleeping. Where are you heading at this time of night?" mom interrogates me. As I slip on my shoes, I explain to her that Isabella and Reese need me to stop by the hospital for them. Mom tells me to drive safe, then I head out the door. I make it to Reese's house in no time flat. He only lives a few doors down from me. I give the front door three hard knocks. Reese's mom answers it. "Its good to see you, Laiken. Please give this to Reese. Thank you for doing this for him. I'd go but my car broke down this morning" his mom explains. I toss the duffle bag onto the passenger seat of my Mazda and drive off toward the hospital.

Reese meets me at the front entrance of emerg. "Thank you so much. You're such a good friend to us. I owe you one" Reese tells me. "No problem. I'd do anything for my friends. Can I go up and see Isabella for a few minutes?" I ask. Reese leads me to Isabella's room. She's asleep in bed. I gently rub her back until she wakes up. Isabella rolls over so she's facing me. "Hey girl. How are you?" I ask her. "I'm okay. I just hope our son is fine. I haven't felt him kick all day. The nurse should be back soon. She's bringing me down for an ultrasound." I stare at her belly, then back at her. "Do you want me to leave so you can rest?" I suggest. "No. Please stay. It means a lot that you're here." Isabella sits up and clears off a spot on her bed. "Here, sit down." I plop down beside her. Naturally, I start to rub her back. She moves her long curly blond hair out of the way for me. "Thanks. That actually feels nice. I've been having the worst back pain because of this boy" she winces. I have yet to experience that stage in my pregnancy but I go along with it.

The nurse enters the room. She asks Reese and I to wait in Isabella's room while she takes her to get an ultrasound. I take this opportunity to text Cole, letting him know what's going on. Cole texts me back right away. He's having a fire with the hockey guys. "Are you upset you're not at the fire tonight?" I ask Reese. "Nah. Isabella's more important. I might not be hanging around them much longer considering I can't even go to the gym without worrying about Isabella's health. She's been struggling with it ever since her mom made her leave home. Isabella and I are trying our best to pay for her insulin but with that and saving up for rent, its been tough. She's skipped a few doses without telling me. As soon as she told me that, I rushed her to the ER."

Isabella comes back, along with that same nurse. "Your baby appears to be okay. There's no sign of distress. He's probably just resting. Have her call her doctor in the morning to schedule another ultrasound later in the week just in case" the nurse informs Reese. Reese thanks her and the nurse leaves the room. Isabella, Reese and I chat for a few more minutes. "Its getting late. I should head home and get some sleep so I won't be tired for school tomorrow". I give them each a hug, then head back to my car.

Mom is still in the same spot on the couch when I get home. "Hey mom. I'm back. I'm going to head up to bed okay?" I say. "Come sit down for a minute. I'm just finishing the final touches on your competition dress." I sit down beside her. She hands me my dress. Its light blue with silver Swarovski crystals all down the front of it. "Its beautiful, mom. Thank you. Its just, I don't know if I'll ever compete again after having this baby. Maybe someone else should wear it." Mom takes the dress back. "Don't be silly. You'll be back on the ice competing in no time. We didn't spend all this money on you to give up your talent in the blink of an eye" mom argues. "I guess you're right. This is the second season I can't skate at nationals though. It already feels like I've given up a long time ago." Mom gives me a hug. "There's always next year." That's what she said last season.

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