ii. vessel.

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* manga spoilers; kenjaku being a mother

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* manga spoilers; kenjaku being a mother.

within the upcoming years, kenjaku had realized the impulsivity of his previous actions. sealing sukuna away proved to be useful, and a great bargaining tool with the clans that hated him, sure, but what the fuck is he going to do with twenty fingers? and a stupid necklace?

hardly anyone even knew who the necklace belonged to, so it's not as if he could bargain with it, and he certainly couldn't get rid of it. sukuna's fingers, while not being able to be destroyed, refused to separate from the necklace. one of them is latched onto the chain of the necklace, and anytime kenjaku tries to separate the two, the finger just ends up getting thrown across the room.

every single time. it's practically glued onto it, and kenjaku couldn't even tell why. he had done research, even, trying to dig and find answers for what the pairing is between the two. or to who even the necklace belonged to, but he always ended up short.

but as promised to sukuna, he is going to bring him back. as for the owner of the necklace, well, not so much. he only cared about making the perfect vessel for sukuna. after all, that's the only reason he'd willingly be in a woman's body with a man up above him, thrusting into him.

perhaps motherhood would look good on kenjaku in another life. because after this baby is born, and raised to being the perfect vessel, he's out of the child's life without a care in the world.

the man didn't take long to finish, and the baby didn't take long to be born. the child is a male, with pink hair like his father, and well ... kenjaku's previous plan of ditching the child could wait.

the chubby baby is rather cute, after all. with how it clung onto him, and cried whenever kenjaku tried to separate himself from the baby. so... he stuck around and played mother for a few years, seeing the child grow and prosper, before ultimately abandoning the child — itadori yüji — to be raised by someone else. kenjaku made the death look like an accident, as it was the easiest way to ensure no one would worry much about his absence.

and yüji did prosper, as a vessel. he was raised on the idea of kindness, however completely different to the ideals of sukuna, but it didn't matter. he prospered, just as intended. he did okay in school, he always helped out his grandfather whenever needed -- he just needed a social circle. more friends, more chances to be introduced to sukuna's cursed fingers. 

... perhaps that's how he wound up in this situation. on top of a roof top, with an older man -- taller too. white hair, eyes hidden behind a weird black mask that itadori didn't care enough for to ponder over; as there were bigger things going on. such as the ... creature the man's fighting. 

itadori had never seen anything like this in his life, not once. so to see such a gross appearing creature startled him, to the say the least. there's so much happening, today alone, that the poor boy didn't understand a thing of what was going on. his grandfather had died, his own remaining family, gone. and then these two ... random men appear, demanding a cursed cane's spirit --- what even is a curse? a cursed cane? it's absurd. 

"and that's that," the white haired male sighs as he, supposedly, seals off the cursed spirit. itadori stood there, rather confused as he had landed a punch or two to the creature -- because while itadori is reckless, and a bit stupid, he could throw a punch -- and then this white haired male just finished it off endlessly.

"megumi," he says, referring to the shorter black haired male to his side, "where'd that finger go? that's all we're here for, anyways." 

itadori watched as the male searched through his pockets, searching for the finger that he -- clearly had lost during the fight. well, of course he lost it during the fight, itadori impulsively ate it. 

impulsively might've not been the correct word, as he had felt drawn to the weird object. like it was calling to him, beckoning him to consume it. 

"... you won't find it," itadori finally speaks, voice a bit more childish sounding, but still rather smooth as he rubs the base of his neck.

"and why not, kid?" the white haired male questions, tilting his head to the side as if to draw in curiosity. 

"because ... i ate it." 

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