ix. your zenith. [epilogue]

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zenith — the high point, from astronomy

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zenith — the high point, from astronomy. the highest point traveled by a celestial body or a star — the sun reaches its zenith when it's high in the sky. the moon reaches its zenith when it's where the sun once was.

now and forever,
your zenith fades into eternity.

for once, the devil is still. trapped inside a teenager's body, yes, however still and free. he's heard humans speaking of this thing called love — where one feels a tenderness for another. where one wants the other to prosper, to succeed in life — even to change their own habits for said person; he just never thought a curse, a devil such as himself, could experience such a thing.

but as the days continued, he found himself realizing this moreso. he knows of your eternal struggle with the idea of being with another man, he knows of it well — as you've rejected times where he's tried to create sin with you — but his heart yearns anyways. yearns for you, the reciprocation of your love that he knows is there.

after all, if you didn't love him as well, why would you cling to him that night? back when you first saw each other after all the time apart, time where sukuna spent longing and desiring. he knows, you know, so he plays the long game. he's waited months already, he can continue waiting. waiting for you to return the love he knows you have for him.

    ”mi estrella?“ he calls out for you, opening the door to the run down cabin of yours. he spent weeks sprucing it back up for you, cleaning out all the cobwebs — replacing all of the witchcraft books, all of your old tools, even. he spent weeks just getting everything back to the way it was, and it was worth it; all to the see smile plaster itself onto your face.

   “oh, you came, my lord, i have news for you, news you'll quite enjoy,” you speak to him, not daring to turn around to face him. the smell of food lingers throughout the cabin, just like old times. all of the times you would make dinner for him, typically as an offering, came flooding back into sukuna's mind.

oh, the nostalgia of it all. seeing you in front of the stove, while adorned with new apparel, is just too much for him. too much so to where he can't help but make his way towards you, placing his hands on your hips — just like old times. leaning down further, he nestles his head on your shoulder while placing quick, gentle kisses to the side of your neck, “carry on, dear.”

    “i know my relationship with the lord above has always been rocky,” you start off, and immediately sukuna braces himself. it's not often you bring up your relationship with the creator, especially not in front of the devil you claim to have relations with. his brows furrow while his eyes narrow, in preparation.

   “however, it's not worth it to continue a relationship with a god who has never been there when i needed — i mean, where was he when i burned, right?” you carry on, before moving your head to rest on top of sukuna's. your eyes seemingly neglecting his face, or maybe just feigning ignorance to it, and so you place a quick peck to the top of his head, “but you've been there. always have, lord. ah, what am i saying? sukuna, i love you.”

and just like that, the devil was no longer the devil. he's just an immortal man with his immortal lover, who makes his heart overflow with love. oh, his heart has never felt so full in his entire existence — it could fill oceans with how it overflows. all because of those three words, those eight letters that he's been yearning to hear since you've came back in his life.

   “i love you too, my love,” he whispers back into your ear, almost immediately spinning you around so that you were facing him. and within a mere second, his lips collided against yours into a sweet, drawn out kiss.

oh, how the devil loves his human.


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