vii. forever tied.

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the soul is a confusing thing

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the soul is a confusing thing. many different religions have different takes on it - on what'll happen to the soul at the end of the borrowed time given to its body. some religions even speak of the binding of your soul to another; which, isn't that what ownership is?

a deal always has an owner. he's no stranger to that, by any means. but since when has ownership came with a sense of longing, a sense of awareness? it was late at night when he felt himself take over that brat's body once more, in a flash. sweat trickled down the body's forehead and chest as he laid there, startled and awake.

all this time he felt as if his other half was missing, like how twins would feel when one passed away. he was constantly longing, wanting something he thought to be unattainable yet desirable. he was going to bring you back, he knew that much to be true. but the question was how and if it was even possible - not like he needed those to be answered anymore. he could feel it.

could feel you.

his heart's pounding in his chest, his breath is quick and uneasy - almost like what that brat felt months ago. he couldn't put his finger to what exact emotion it is, but he doesn't care. it's as if the moon made a sudden collision with earth, it's other half. or if the sun burned too harshly into the moon.

his other half had returned to him. he knew that to be true, after all, why else would he feel such a large and violent combination of emotions? he could feel the knowledge deep within his bones, within his sternum and ribs.

he rose up from the bed given to itadori with practiced ease - as it's not his first time whisking away from everyone else in the middle of the night. he's done so a handful of times, mainly to get away from the brat's friends so he could think - think of you, no doubt. he'd just sit against a tree, enjoying the night breeze, so that his mind could wonder back to you. back to the one that he enjoyed so.

following the same routine, he maneuvers the brat's body through the window in the room he shares with megumi. the nighttime's cold air hit his skin with a harshness he had grown to be fond of. it reminds him of you - the harshness of nature. you always had a sharp tongue, often used it against him when he'd annoy you. not that he ever minded it, despite the times he's disappeared from you after, he just enjoyed the attention on him.

running from you is one of his biggest regrets. there had been times, all back then, where'd you run your mouth and he'd disappear for days on end after. he just never knew how to deal with the way he felt because of it, never wanted to lash out with you. he's coming to terms with the fact that he cares deeply for you. more than that of friends - more than that of one who owns your soul. just, more.

he maneuvers his way through the streets of tokyo, just trying to calm his nerves. perhaps if he found you on this nightly adventure everything would make more sense - what would he even say to you? after all this time, these years away from you?

would he act like nothing ever happened? would you still want him? even remember him? so many different thoughts run through his mind, so many yet he never had enough time to properly go through them and find a way to deal with them. as he heard that all too familiar voice. paired with a mans.

his eyes squint as he tries his best to make out any figures near him that could be the source of the voice - as it isn't the first time his mind played tricks on him.

"you utter too many words about a man whom you have no knowledge of," sukuna overhears - a voice and vocal pattern that he recognizes. that he knows all too well to be yours. his beloved's.

he can care less of what the other man is saying to you, he just knows that you're here. you're back, but are you back for him? it's not normal that the king of curses feels fear, but for the first time in centuries, he's utterly terrified.

please remember him, remember the way you were with him; the way you desired him. he needs you.

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