viii. my love, my love, my love.

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please remember him, remember how you desired him

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please remember him, remember how you desired him. please remember how you longed for him, please remember. remember him and want him. remember him. remember.

his feet carried him before he could even register what was happening within his borrowed body. his red eyes narrowed, moving around rapidly as if scanning the immediate vicinity for you. the thought of his mind playing tricks on him crossed him a few times too many, but he knows. he knows that his beloved is back and to be with you is all he wants.

the time spent away, where he could only dwell on his memories of you. the memories of the woods, the memories of that little rundown shack. he remembers clear as day all the times he's had his hands on you, and how he wished he would've gone further.

there were several times where the two of you almost went further, just for you to turn away the last second. oh, how he wished he could've gotten you to be his fully — but you were still so keen on your relationship with the lord, acting as if you weren't making a relationship with the devil at the same time.

how could you love the lord when you're entertaining the devil?

the devil was the lord's most beloved angel, once upon a time, before he fell. sukuna never could remember his entire creation, just that one day he had awoken to be what he is now. and he embraced his role fully, done what he was born to be — destruct, kill, corrupt.

a role that he no longer desires. he doesn't desire to destroy and reek havoc everywhere he turns ; he just desires you. an empire with you. oh, how the two of you could have had everything together. a crown on your head, the world at the two of yours' feet, an empire. but fate wouldn't have it.

he should have protected you all those years ago, instead of avenging you. he should have been there to prevent the burning of your body, should have done something. but he didn't. he stood by and watched.

would you be angry with him for that?

would you wish he was dead, too?

would you wish you never made a deal with him?

never met him?

never summoned him?

what would you be?

his eyes narrow further in the streets, as he tries to adapt to the darkness engulfing him. there's darkness all around him, a much too familiar darkness; one that he no longer wishes to surround himself with. he wants to be surrounded with the light, he wants to redeem himself.

but could the devil ever redeem himself to the lord? had lucifer ever once redeemed himself to the lord? had lucifer, fallen morningstar, ever even tried?

the devil would try for you. many say they love villains for the fact they would burn the world for you, but that isn't sukuna. centuries ago, he did burn the world for you — and now he wants to make a new one. he wants to sculpt his own world with you, if you'd allow it.

it wasn't long before he found you, walking through the alleyways of the city and acting as if you were lost. that's not a new trait, by any means, he remembers the countless amount of times you'd gotten lost in the forest behind your shack. all the times he'd get to tease you on the way home.

home. home is you. you're the home he seeks, he longs and clings for. so why is it, that even now that you're standing in front of him, he can't seem to return home?

his eyes are widened as his gaze never once falters from you. the way your hair frames your face, the face hasn't even changed a bit. oh, how he loves the way your face looks — always so pretty, though he'd never tell you that for free.

    "it seems he's here," kenjaku, the man sukuna is all too familar with, speaks as he turns around. covered head to toe in black, kenjaku cocks his head to the side, "i was really hoping the two of you would reconnect later."

    "reconnect? there's hardly anyone of-" you start to speak before you, too, narrow your eyes in the general direction of sukuna. a shudder leaves you, traveling down your spine, "oh my. sukuna, is... is that you? you look strange, but i know it is you."

    "oh, y/n," sukuna speaks softly, your name dripping from his tongue like honey. he takes a few cautious steps forward, debating on if he wants to grab you and bring you close — into his arms — or if he just wants to be there. be there for you, unlike all those past times, "it's me. i know the form isn't the one you're used to."

   "that doesn't matter, oh my lord above, it is you," your voice raised a tad bit as you immediately drawn closer to the broad. arms wrap themselves around his waist and sukuna can feel your face nestle itself into the brats' chest.

for once, maybe the devil can be happy with a home; perhaps he's atoned for all of his past behaviors from the time away from you.

for once, the devil is still.

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