Chapter 1 - Welcome to Whitmore

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"Here's your schedule and your map, you'll be needing it." The secretary eyes me, a judging look in her gaze. "Welcome to Whitmore Academy."

And that was that. I'm now a student at Whitmore Academy.

Finally, I thought to myself. My whole reason for coming here was to escape my parents. My mom, always the narcissist. My dad, always the bystander.

I figured the best thing to do at the moment would be to find my dorm. Which would be challenging, because this campus is enormous. I'd heard somewhere that dorm buildings were assigned by grade, and every floor was co-ed, which easily meant I could be in a dorm next to a couple of asshats who stayed up all night partying.

Hoping I didn't just jinx myself to hell, I glance at my map and try to make sense of it. I was in East Building C. That actually happened to be the building closest to the actual classes, so I guess I lucked out a bit.

My feet dragged on and on until I reached the double doors of East Building C. The walk was nice and scenic though, and an elegant koi pond greeted me as I approached the doors. There were flowers everywhere. Splashes of blues, reds, and violets filled my eyes, and I found myself staring at those more than the map itself.

I wrapped my hand around a gold-polished handle and pulled the door open, a huge blast of air conditioning filling my senses, contrasting from blazing heat outside. My feet landed on a large, stunning rug, and I took a second to look at everything around me, breathing in the feeling of a new life, a new chance.

There were long, winding stairs on either side of me, and a cozy fireplace with two comfy couches ahead. Split into two hallways, I could see a kitchen area on the left, and a study area on the right. Both were vacated, probably because all the students were in classes right now. I also saw elevators in either hallways, so I glanced back down at the papers in my hands, trying to find what room I was actually in.

After some digging, I found that I had dorm 423. That must mean floor four, room 23, right?

Taking my chances, I hopped onto the elevator on the left and pressed the button with the number four on it.

Once it arrived and the doors opened, I swiftly exited and went on the quest for my room, eyeing the sign on the wall in front of me.

← 1 - 20

21 - 40 →

Turning right, I started my walk down the hallway. There was a balcony, as well, and you could see each floor above and below, the kitchen at the very bottom. I assumed that on the other side, you could see down to the study area.

Stopping at my door, I pulled the key out of my pocket and slid it into the keyhole, twisting it.

When it unlocked, I opened the door and stepped in, a single bed and sink greeting me.

Home, sweet home.

At least there was a window. A small one, at that.

I was both relieved and surprised that I wasn't sharing a room -- but mostly relieved.

I also saw my suitcase sitting right by my bed. They had told me that they would take my luggage to my room, and I'm glad that they came through with that.

Sliding my backpack off my shoulders and onto the ground, I flopped face down onto my new bed.

I soon slipped into unconsciousness, and all my thoughts of the day subsided, exhaustion overtaking my body and mind.


I woke to the sound of boyish horseplay, since that was the only appropriate way to describe it.

It was dark in my room, and the only light source was from outside my door. Stomach growling, I got up and searched for a light. Finally finding one, I flicked it, and was immediately blinded.

Groaning, I palmed my face and reached for the phone in my pocket, trying to figure out what time it could possibly be. 6:47. Great. I slept for four hours.

I took a look in the mirror hanging above my sink, and was met with the sight of mussed hair and smudged mascara. I splashed some water on my face and ran my fingers through my tangled, golden locks, trying to make myself more presentable.

I paced my room, knowing I would have to put a brave face on and leave to get some form of dinner.

Ugh, I hate people.

Letting my nerves get the better of me, I decided to unpack a few of my things first.

There was a dresser on one side of the room, a mirror above it, and a little table next to the bed, with an alarm clock resting atop it.

I lay my suitcase on its side on the bed and unzip it. Upon opening it, a cool wave of relief flushes through me when I see that nothing has spilled, broken, or mysteriously gone missing.

I separate all my clothes and place them into the drawers, wishing I had a closet to go with the dresser, but I guess the wrinkled clothes life has officially chosen me.

I set my toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, and moisturizer on the sink, letting my makeup bag stay on the dresser. Closing my suitcase, I roll it over to the other side of the room, letting it stay right next to the bedside table.

Glancing at my phone, I check the time again. 7:13. Okay. Now, I should probably get dinner before I can't.

I smooth my hair down with my hands and look over my outfit. A forest green sweater, straight blue jeans, and black converse. Simple. Just how I like it.

After one last glance in the mirror, I turn and walk over to the door, wrapping my hand around the handle. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to calm my growing anxiety.

It's okay. They're not gonna judge you. You're just a new face.

Turning the knob and opening the door, I take a step out and look both ways before turning right to find the elevator. Before I could get very far, my face collided with a chest. Firm hands gripped my upper arms, and I looked up into captivating gray eyes.

"Oh, look what the cat dragged in, boys," he says devilishly, his mouth forming into a smirk.

"She's pretty, Caspian," the guy on the left said. He had cropped black hair and icy blue eyes. "Can we keep her?"

"Um, hi," I say, my voice quivering under their gazes.

"Hello, little one," the leader -- Caspian -- says. "I think we're going to have a lot of fun, don't you?"


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