Eight - Wrong Move?

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Their lips were interacting like there is no tomorrow. She sucked his lips while her hands traveled all over his head. Their bodies were already colliding but still the boy pulled her closer by her tiny waist. As they both explored each other's mouth Jennie suddenly stopped and opened her eyes. Realization hitted her head. Her wrong move. She Isn't supposed to do this here, cheating her fiance like this with his own brother. Where her own fiance Didn't even kiss her cheeks. And here she is binding her lips with a guy who is none but her own brother-in-law.
Without wasting any time, Jennie pushed taehyung so hard that he got hitted on the wall fortunately safely. He gave her a confused yet shocked look. Jennie just stares at him while breathing heavily due to the hot steamy kiss a while ago. Tears were visible on her eyes.
She took her bag and quickly ran from the place without saying anything.
"Jennie, wait what's wrong? " Taehyung said before following her. But a staff member stopped him. "Sorry sir u can't go"
"Why let me go?" Taehyung said.
"So you're with that ma'am. Kindly pay for the bodycon dress she left wearing with" the staff girl said calmly.
"Uhh what? Alright, " Taehyung sighed.
" Ty sir pls come to this side kindly " the staff girl showed him a direction.
Taehyung followed him and at the same time gave the last glare to her disappeared body from front of his eyes.

After paying for the dress Jennie just left wearing, Taehyung immediately ran outside and looked around to see if he could find her but he Didn't. He sighed heavily and sat in his car and started his car.
"It was all my fault. I guess I Shouldn't kiss her without her permission.... " Taehyung said to himself while moving the steering wheel.
"But she did like it, I'm sure. "Taehyung smirked a bit. He stopped his car because of the red light.
" If she Didn't like it then she wouldn't kiss me back" Taehyung touched his lips.
"Her lips were like pure strawberries, perfect," Taehyung chuckled and started his car again after the light turned green.

"But Where she gone?? Is she safe?" Taehyung pinched his lower lip.
"I guess she went to her house..." Taehyung stopped his car suddenly.
" wait but ofc she Won't go to her house with that outfit. "Taehyung looked to the side of his seat, a bag of Jennie's outfit she left in the changing room.
He took his phone.
" but I Don't have her number, fuck" he cursed under his breathe and bitted his lower lip.
"What should I do now?" Before he could think of something, his phone rang.

It's namjoon. Taehyung slowly received the phone.
"Hello... hyung..." he said, stuttering a bit.
"Hello , Taehyung. Where is Jennie ?" Namjoon said from the other side of the phone in a bit of a worried tone.
"Why hyung anything happen?"
"No she isn't picking up my phone , my work is done So I thought if I can come but.." Namjoon stopped by Taehyung.
"Hyung actually Jennie I mean hyeong-su left me alone saying that she also has some works"
"Oh okay Taehyung," Namjoon said with an anxious tone.
"Hyung, would you mind sending me hyeong-su's contact number?" Taehyung said while hesitating a bit.
"Umm sure okay I'll send u in text, bye"
"Tysm hyung bye" Taehyung smiled a bit and hung up.

Soon Taehyung received her number . He quickly saved the number with her name on "JEN 💖" with a sparkling heart emoji beside it. He chuckled slightly while saving her number . He quickly dialed the number but she didn't pick up . Taehyung rubbed his forehead with his thumb and pointed finger while closing his eyes .
"Jungkook... I should call him to ask about Jennie," as he thought he quickly dialed Jungkook's number . He received it immediately .

"Hello Jungkook"
"Yes Taehyung?" Jungkook asked from the other side .
"Yea, how are you?"
"I'm good , what about you?" Jungkook asked again.
"I'm fine,btw Jungkook"
"Is hyeongsu home?"
"No she isn't home yet why?"
"No nothing, tysm bye take care" Taehyung hung up the phone leaving Jungkook wary.

Taehyung tracked Jennie's number along with driving his car to a tracked location . He is so worried about her after all she left that place because of him . He may have made her uncomfortable . Uncomfortable by his move . But it's not his fault he can't control herself whenever he is around him. He still can't accept the fact that they are only in-laws. She is only his sis-in-law . They didn't know it when they first met each other . When they made eye contact during he was fucking her making her beg for more . When they touched each other. When He moved down his lips on her soft skin.

Taehyung stopped at the location where Jennie was . He stepped out and couldn't believe himself reading the board .
"CLUB MANSION" he widened his eyes after spilling the word he just read .
"What is she doing here ? With that dress? In a bar? " Taehyung sounded worried as he ran inside the club to find her as she might be in danger .

So Stay Tuned For Mire Update Don't Forget To Comment As Its Inspire Me For Making More Content For My Luvs.

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