Fourteen - Propose

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Jennie's heart was beating with Namjoon's straight face . He seems so serious . What he will ask her about. Is it related to.... Taehyung? The only thing and question going through her mind is like a rollercoaster.
"Namjoon tell" Jennie said softly smiling and tried not to show her wary yet surprised face.
"It was like" Namjoon was shuttering. That makes Jennie more nervous. She held her finger that was trembling with her other hand.
"Tell.." She speaked scarcely.
"I want to ask you for a date," Namjoon smiled shyly. Jennie's hands dropped down and she sighed in relief.
"oh okay" she smiled stupidly.
"I am sorry about that day , I had to leave due to some unclosed business. I apologise again" he bowed. Jennie stopped.
"It's alright Namjoon" she showed her gummy smile.
"This time no one can interrupt us. So get ready quickly, we will leave now" Namjoon said helding Jennie's shoulders.
"Now?" She tilted her head.
"Yea bcz I want your full day" he showed his dimple smile that is enough to make anyone melt.
"I think I'm being third wheel here sorry" Jungkook interrupted and made them both look at him . He chuckled and ran away .
"Oh this guy" Jennie looked down shyly. Namjoon chuckled and held Jennie's chin and made her look at him.
"So get ready" Namjoon smiled softly and they both shared eye contact. Jennie was feeling butterflies.
How sweet he is. Perfect.

"So where are we going Namjoon?" Jennie looked at Namjoon who was driving the car next to her.
"Wait Jennie" he said without making any eye contact focusing on his driving.
Jennie was wearing black cc logo crop and asymmetric ruffled white skirt pairing with all stars sneakers and black glasses. She kept it simple bcz Namjoon didn't give him enough time to get ready. She wasn't even able to make her hair, instead she simply kept them open.
She looked outside by resting her palm under her chin and elbow on the window. Outside is beautiful and dazzling. The weather is absolutely perfect.
Namjoon stopped the car in front of a big showroom. He gently came out of the car and parted away from Jennie's sided door. Jennie smiled at him and came out of the car. Namjoon held her hands and they walked into the showroom.
Jennie looked around with a muddled expression. Namjoon called someone. The girl with a staff uniform bowed.
"Show her the dress and if she likes it get her ready" namjoon handed jennie in her hands. Jennie tilted her head with a bewildered look on her face.
"Come ma'am" the girl with the staff uniform said with a soft tone. Jennie nodded and followed her.

"So sir choosed this outfit for you" she said, fixing the back of the dress.
Jennie looked at herself amazed. It was a red top and a fluffy long skirt. Almost looked like a gown. But the black flower pattern made it look more special and elegant. It was a sleeveless top.
"Did you like it?" the staff girl asked jennie who was abstracted by the beautiful dress she was wearing. She came to her senses and looked at her.
"Actually I loved it," she grins. The girl smiled as well. Jennie continued.
"Does he really choose it for me?" Jennie checked her once again holding the skirt. The staff girl nodded.
"I must have to say ma'am that sir has a great choice for u" jennie chuckled.
"Your looking so pretty ma'am"
"Thank you so much"
"So shall we go" the staff girl said while putting her hand on her.
"Where?" she tilted her head.
"Just come ma'am" jennie nodded and held her grasp. And the girl began to walk towards another room . Jennie followed her with one hand holding her big skirt and the other holding her hand.
Soon she entered a room where she found her fiance aka kim namjoon wearing a red blazer over a black shirt and black pants. He was looking so hot. He quickly gives her a smile just after seeing her in front of him. It didn't take long for jennie to understand that they were wearing matching outfits with a red and black theme.
The girl handed Jennie over Namjoon's hand. She bowed and left. Jennie chuckled.
"What was it namjoon"
"For you my lady"
"I'm so surprised, It's so pretty I swear" Jennie said before looking at herself.
"Actually you are more pretty here" jennie blushed and looked down.
"So shall we go?" Namjoon said, offering his hand, Jennie nodded and held his arms.

Namjoon opened the car door for her and she came out. It's a riverside resort. They Both walked inside while holding their hands .
"Well miss Jennie, are you hungry?" Namjoon asked while walking.
"Knew it , come inside" he chuckled.

They both went inside and the whole resort was huge but empty.
"I booked this whole resort for us"
"Wow" Jennie was amazed , no one did that much for her till now. They sat on a circle table with a paired chair. They both smiled at each other and began to eat their lunch . The lunch was like Bulgogi , Jajangmyeon as Jennie didn't have much breakfast today and only had two cookies inside the car.

After eating they went for a walk on the bridge . And watched the sunset thru the river while standing there . They stayed there until the sky turned navy blue .
Suddenly all the lights turned on in the resort . Namjoon took her to a place where every place was filled with fairy lights and some star light and features that are added to something in order to make it look more attractive.
"What's all that for Namjoon?" She said with a stunned expression. She was amazed and shocked.

Suddenly making her more shocked, Namjoon sat in front of her on his one knee. Jennie widened her eyes and blinked multiple times.
"Namjoon..." Jennie almost whispers. Namjoon looked at her smiling a little while holding her tiny soft hand.
"I know it's odd and unnecessary but I had been planning this for some days, Jennie," Jennie nodded in his soft tone.
He took out a ring box from his pocket and opened it in front of her.
"Will you marry me Jennie?" Namjoon said it made Jennie so shocked in joy . The ring was shining like a star. It was a white diamond ring.
"I-" Jennie couldn't complete her words bcz she was still in shock .
"I know our marriage is already planned but I just wanted to make sure it looks more special to us, so will you?" Namjoon stated.
Jennie looked at him blankly. She never thought in that way.
Does she like him ? Why did she agree to this marriage without even meeting with the guy she will spend her whole life with. Maybe she agreed bcz she never felt such a way of having feelings for someone.
But right now Namjoon is proposing to her why she is hesitating to accept. Even it won't affect anyone. She still only gets married to him. Doesn't matter if she says yes or no right now. She already agreed with her parents but why is she now doubting her decision?
She lost her thoughts while looking directly at the ring.
"Jennie?" Namjoon called.
"Hmmm" she looked at him
"Will you?" He asked again.

"Namjoon I'm sorry I don't wanna get married to you. I cheated on you. If you ever find out with whom you won't see my face again you will hate me. You don't deserve me . You're such a pure soul. But right now why I'm feeling like this. Why I'm feeling like I'll cheat with someone else if I accept you. My guts says I want someone else. I feel for someone else" Jennie thought tears were visible in her eyes. She is forcing them back. Namjoon looked at him with a wary look.
"Jennie? Are you okay?"
After breaking a minute of silence Jennie finally parted her lips.

What you guys think should Jennie accept him.
Or , should Jennie tell him the way she feels and the truth.

To be continue....

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