As If Some Kind Of Wings Came And Lifted Me Up

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Okay, you've waited patiently...
Now get ready for the steamy, sexy, emotional, romantic reunion...❤️

Santa Monica, California
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
(3:30 am)

I guess she had time to brush her teeth before I got here. She tastes so minty.

Lindsey was lying on top of Stevie, her hair splayed out against the pillows, gliding his tongue along her lower lip in a little teasing motion before sliding it into her mouth to mingle with her own. He thought of her alone in the bathroom brushing her teeth to get ready for him and smiled against her lips at the endearing image, and brought his hand up along the side of her body until he held her face in his hand, kissing her slowly and deeply and pouring all of the love he'd been storing for so long into every caress of his tongue, every movement of his lips against hers.

"My God, angel, I can't stop kissing you," he breathed against her ear before he began kissing her neck. His lips made a light smacking sound on her skin, and he heard a small moan escape her lips as he kissed down her neck and along her collarbone. They had shed their clothing some time ago, and the hurried pace of their touches had slowed to a tender, romantic pace as they took in every sensation, every touch. As he began to kiss his way down her body, Stevie arching herself off of the bed to be as close to him as she possibly could, he whispered into her middle, "So soft...dear God, why are you so soft?" He had reached her belly button and was placing light, playful kisses around it, and when his mouth went lower, he heard her whimper.

"Lindsey..." Stevie was writhing beneath him, every cell in her body alive and feeling like she'd been lit on fire. "Oh's so..." She was having trouble forming words - forming thoughts - and she could only make little whimpering noises that were getting louder and closer together. She tried to reach down and move his head the two or three inches lower she needed it to be, but she fell just short of reaching him. "Baby...please..."

Lindsey couldn't help but grin as he stopped what he was doing to look up at her pleading eyes, his chin resting just below her stomach. " patient, sweet girl...we have all the time in the world now...because I'm never letting you go again." He went back to what he'd been doing, his fingers teasing along the sides of her body and down to her hips so he could hold her in place as he continued. He began kissing the inside of her thighs, leaving tender little licks in his wake, purposely taking his time because he knew what his teasing did to her...and because he wanted to be sure he took it all in, loved every inch of her body with his hands and his mouth because he'd missed it for so long. He felt her squirming in his hands and he said, "Mmmm...someone really seems to need me to put my mouth somewhere really special...Is that what you need, baby? You want me here?" He gestured by gliding his finger along the exact spot in question, and she whimpered again in response, nodding.

"I do...Lindsey, please..." Her voice was just a quiet plea, barely more than a whisper. She was still squirming in his hands, trying to move closer to him.

Lindsey continued the gentle, teasing motions of his fingers, her response below him making him smile. He leaned in to give her what she wanted, whispering warm against her bare skin, "Sweet girl...let's see just how sweet you are..." He could feel how wet she'd become as he continued moving his fingers, and when his mouth finally landed on the spot where she craved it, she cried out from the sudden contact. Lindsey had been doing this to Stevie for forty years; he knew exactly how she liked it. He began slowly, softly, with a series of gentle little licks and some light, barely-there kisses, and then gradually added more pressure, more suction, gaging by the increasing moans of pleasure she made just how to move his mouth. After awhile, he added two fingers inside, and the change made her cry out again, feeling him pleasuring her from both angles as he thrust his fingers in and out with increasing speed.

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