Epilogue: And The Crowd Fades Away

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The WilternLos Angeles, California Thursday, May 26, 2011(9:30 pm)********************

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The Wiltern
Los Angeles, California
Thursday, May 26, 2011
(9:30 pm)

"Lindsey, you're up right after this one."

Karen Johnston, dressed in all black and a headset attached to a walkie-talkie in her hip pocket, dark curly hair piled high on top of her head, was barreling towards Lindsey backstage, wielding a large comb she'd just used to touch up Stevie's hair after "Moonlight (A Vampire's Dream)". She had just come backstage from giving Stevie the "Gold Dust Woman" cape, which she was now wearing beyond the curtains as they heard her beginning to sing after Waddy's powerful guitar intro.

"Rock on, Gold Dust Woman...Take your silver spoon and dig your grave...Heartless challenge...Pick your path and then you pay for it...pray for it...Wake up in the morning...See your sunrise, loves it go down...You don't wanna see it...Lousy lovers pick their prey but they never cry out loud..."

"Soldier's Angel" was next on the set list, and Lindsey was going to make a surprise entrance and join the band in playing the song that had brought Stevie and him together almost a year ago. It was a decision they had made together shortly before the tour had begun, floating together in an embrace in her jacuzzi one night, the first time she'd actually used it since buying the house. He thought back to the two of them giggling like children on their way out to the backyard, towels in hand, taking turns hitting each other with them like a pillow fight at a sleepover, Stevie modestly covering her simple black bathing suit with her prized possession - The Rolling Stones t-shirt that had once belonged to Lindsey. He couldn't resist making cracks about the night that Dave Stewart had invited her to join him in the jacuzzi, saying, "Now's your chance" as he'd playfully taken her hand, and Stevie had responded by backing herself up to the jacuzzi and tripping the t-shirt slowly from her body before climbing in a extending a hand to him with a wink and saying, "Now's YOUR chance." He had smiled from ear to ear as he climbed in to join her, and after talking about the tour and his appearance on opening night at The Wiltern - which was also going to be her sixty-third birthday - their conversation had turned more playful and suggestive and they had stayed in the jacuzzi for all of ten more minutes before dripping their way upstairs to the bedroom. Lindsey had peeled the wet bathing suit from her body and looked down at her wet, naked form with starving eyes, and declared before he began to cover her body with kisses, "I told you once and I'll tell you again, angel...if I have to tell you you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen every time we make love, then so be it."

"So rock on, ancient queen," Stevie was singing now. "Follow those who pale in your shadow...'cause rulers, they make baaaaaaaaaad lovers...You'd better put your kingdom up for sale...You'd better sell it...Well did she make you cry, make you break down, shatter your illusions of love? And is it over now? Do you know how to pick up the pieces and go home..."

A stagehand was fitting Lindsey with a microphone pack. He thanked the young man with a ponytail dressed in all black, and then felt inside the inner pocket of his signature leather jacket for the small velvet box. Feeling it there just where he'd stored it earlier that night, he exhaled and relaxed.

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