The Rainbow After The Storm 🌧️☁️

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I didn't find it fair for people who are sensitive to rape to not get an update so this one has no warnings, just enjoy!

Sunghoon was either in his room, school, or out with his parents after they forced him to go somewhere with them. He wasn't always like this. He used to hang out with his friends everyday and his parents would practically have to beg for him to come home some days.

The thing that changed him was a horrible breakup.

Jay, one of his friends, usually hates people who overreact about their breakups but Sunghoon wasn't overrating so Jay felt a weird kind of confusion to see this bad of a breakup. People usually overreact over breakups but Sunghoon wasn't.

They were practically a perfect couple. They both always looked so happy when with each other. They got along with each others friends. Many people in their school were betting they'd get married out of high school.

They were perfect.

One just had to ruin it.

Sunghoons boyfriend had started ignoring him, sleeping with other people, changed his phone number, and wouldn't talk to Sunghoons friends either.

Sunghoon had to be the one to officially say the relationship was over and after that day they broke up Sunghoons friends have only seen him once a week, besides school.

Safe to say he's been a wreck since then. It's almost been a month now.

Though Sunghoons parents invited his friends over while they sent Sunghoon out to go get groceries and stop by his aunts house, who won't ever stop talking.

They were all a little confused but were sure his parents are just as concerned for Sunghoon as they are.

"Hi boys! Thank you for coming." She greeted them all as usual and shook all of their hands.

"Yes, we are very concerned for our Hoon." His father said as he guided the boys to sit on the couches with them.

Jungwon sighed as his eyebrows furrowed, "I can't believe that jackass just played with him." He was obviously just saying it to get it off his chest so nobody got on him about cursing.

"I know," his mother sighed but she seemed to know more than they did right now, "we asked for you boys to come here because we have an idea." She smiled at them as they all still seemed to be on guard, what could help Sunghoon right now?

"Now this won't sound like the best idea but you'll have to hear me out." She said and now they were even more on guard.

"Okay." Jay gave her the go ahead.

"We met through a matchmaker." She pointed to her husband and her and the boys thought they knew where this was going.

"Sorry Mrs. Park but I don't think Hoon should go to a matchmaker." Heeseung tried to be as polite as possible but it was still pretty hard to not sound bratty.

"No! Not that!" She waved her hands, "what I am saying about the matchmaker, who is my friend, knows I have a son who just went through a horrible breakup. Since she is a matchmaker many people go to her right?" The boys all nodded their heads.

"She said she had probably just found the almost perfect boy for Hoon. She said the boy had also been through a bad breakup, not as bad as hoon but still bad, and was wanting to get back into the dating life but it's hard for his age." The boys were still all a little on guard about this all, I mean they all thought Hoons ex was perfect and look where they are now.

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