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Within the dirty and cramped internment zone lived many Eldians. It was known as Liberio. One of the many internment zones within Marley. Hundreds of innocent people are forced into these zones. Still, somehow, they manage to find happiness. Even in this horrid state.

Children ran and played in the street. Men and women worked market stalls. There was a great commtion on account of the war ending. Many Eldian soldiers were returning home.

Families gathered together as the gate opened, and they were reunited with their loved ones. Although some families didn't see their children. And some children didn't get to see their families. Those who had no families to come back to just strolled by with their heads down.


Next to a river, the door to a small house opened, and a man with a cane walked out. He noticed his mailbox tipped over again. Letting out a sigh, he hobbled over so he could fix it. But due to needing a cane, he had difficulties.

?: You need help with that, Sir?

The man looked up to see a young man with bandages covering one half of his face. He knelt down and fixed his mailbox for him.

?: Thank you.

Edward: Don't mention it. The names Edward Ross.

Leonhart: Leonhart. Just call me Leonhart.

Edward: That armband... Wait a minute.. do you have a child in the warrior unit?

Leonhart: Yeah. She's the holder of the female titan. Her name is Annie. She hasn't come back home to me yet. But she will. I know she will.

The man said as he adjusted his cap.

Leonhart: I wasn't kind to her. I turned her into a weapon for my own gain. Now... who knows what those devils are doing to her.

Edward: Hmm... try to stay in a lighter state of mind. It's best not to think not to think of things that eat away at your mind.

Leonhart nodded.

Leonhart: Say, did you serve?

Edward: Just got back today.

Leonhart: Your family must be pleased to see you after so long. They must've been worried sick.

Edward: Ha! That'd really be something, huh? But no. I grew up an orphan. I wouldn't know.

Leonhart: Oh, I'm... I'm sorry. I had no idea.

Edward waved his hand in dismissal.

Edward: Don't apologize. It's alright. You didn't know.

Leonhart smirked.

Leomhart: Right... listen... if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come by. Alright?

Edward: Thank you... I really appreciate it.


Peick: You have no friends or family to go to?

Edward hesitated before answering. Obviously, he couldn't tell her everything.

Edward: Nope. It's just me. I don't understand why you care so much. We only met yesterday.

Peick: So? Why does it matter that we've only known each other for such a short period of time? I can still care.

Edward: You don't know who I am. Hell, I could be Y/n Langnar for all you know.

Peick giggled to herself.

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