18. Whirlwind of Emotions

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December 1944
Occupied Seoul

Ji-tae kept one arm wrapped securely around Etta's shoulders as the car traversed the snowy streets. In the seat beside them, Madame Nam held a sleeping Daniel's bundled form.

Clearing his throat softly, Ji-tae met the older woman's eyes. "I know a very skilled doctor who has an office at my family's estate," he suggested gently. "Perhaps it would be best for him to examine Etta, Daniel and Mi-sook, make certain the smoke they inhaled during the fire has left no lasting damage?"

Madame Nam gazed back at him pensively before giving a slow nod. "That seems a wise precaution," she agreed, eyes drifting down to Daniel's soot-smudged cheeks. "The risk of lung inflammations developing is unfortunately high after smoke exposure." 

Her sharp look turned back to Ji-tae. "You and your family have shown tremendous benevolence opening your home to them all. Please know I intend to repay such generosity in whatever way I can once we are recovered and reestablished."

Ji-tae gave a gracious incline of his head though his eyes remained haunted. Glancing down at Etta's weary countenance tucked against him, he pressed his forehead to her forehead, wishing he could kiss away the trauma and displacement as easily.

Mr.Park maintained a supportive arm around Etta as he led their small group inside the expansive front entrance hall. Madame Nam followed regally behind with a sleepy Daniel while Mi-sook peered about, eyes wide behind her spectacles at the grandiose architecture and artwork lining the walls.

Even in the wee hours, lamps still glowed invitingly as a few servants straightened in surprise at their arrival. Ji-tae remained unperturbed, snapping his fingers for a young girl in bright hanbok to draw near.

"Prepare the upstairs guest rooms for Miss Walker, Lady Mi-Sook and Daniel, then see our new guests supplied with herbal tea and any provisions they require," he instructed.

His tone brooked no argument. The maid bowed hastily before rushing to follow his bidding.

The sound of hurried footsteps and cloying perfume heralded an odd procession running outdoors. Miyoko and Meiko exchanged puzzled glances before moving to investigate the unusual disruption so late at night.

They arrived to the sight of Ji-tae supporting a disheveled young woman.

Even sleep-mussed, Miyoko's gaze swiftly assessed the situation before lifting questioningly to meet Ji-tae's. 

Meiko skipped any pretense of delicacy. "Mr. Park, respectfully...what is going on here?" she demanded, eyeing Etta leaning weakly against him.

Ji-tae silenced her with a quelling look. "I should think that's obvious. These ladies require accommodation as my personal guests until more suitable arrangements can be secured."

Meiko bristled, cast propriety to the winds. "And where exactly do you expect the staff to house them?" she challenged hotly. "There's no room, unless you mean to displace our own people out in the cold!" Her glare seemed to dare him to admit such callous intentions.

But Ji-tae merely sighed, as if sorely tried by the unreasonable conversation. "Then clearly I refer to hospitality here in the main house, as basic duty demands," he replied coolly. "Do not pretend ignorance simply to obstruct me. Your role as my wife's servant does not make you my mother-in-law. You would do well to remember that."

He turned away, effectively ending the discussion as Miyoko stood mute, increasingly bewildered by the strange scene unfolding. She met Meiko's indignant gaze, but had no comfort or answers to offer in the face of Ji-tae's inscrutable decrees. The night, it seemed, held only turmoil in store for them all.

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