chapter thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-One

Elyza Mikaelson stood before her husband as he grabbed her by the waist and threw her against the bed, forcing the woman to dissolve into a sea of giggles. The Mikaelson nuzzled his head between where her neck and shoulder met. His hands kept her place while he began to leave soft kisses down the sensitive area.

"Have I told you how stunning you are, today, my love?" He mumbled, kissing his way down her body. The two hadn't been alone in what seemed like forever and Kol couldn't help the hunger he had for her. "If I have not, I have done the world a great injustice."

Elyza smiled underneath her husband. "Hmm," She started, acting as if she was thinking. "I do not believe I was told I was stunning. Beautiful, maybe? But not stunning."

Kol smirked, pulling up her tank top so he could kiss against her stomach. "My sincerest apologies," He began, linking his thumbs on the outsides of her shorts. With one swift motion, they were tossed against the door. "Allow me to rectify my mistake."

"Our anniversary is close enough," the brunette smiled. "An early gift for old time's sake?"


Elyza Mikaelson giggled as her husband carried her through the parlor and into the dimly lit room. They had just returned from their 367th early anniversary night. To her surprise, each one of their nights was made uniquely special by her husband. From staying in an underwater hotel to going ziplining over the Grand Canyon, Kol Mikaelson knew how to keep her smitten.

And for their actual anniversary, they stayed cuddled in bed, holding each other and refusing ever to let go.

Candles ranging in scents flooded her nose, calming her instantly. "You lit these all yourself?"

"Only the best for you," Kol nodded, urging the woman to look behind the bed. Elyza untangled her hand from his shirt. She excitedly skipped to the bedframe, peeking behind it. Sitting behind the bed was a box filled with books. She sat on the bed and soon after she felt the weight of the bed dip, signaling her husband had sat beside her.

She looked through the first journal, seeing nothing but the names of random people. "My love? I don't think I understand."

"Darlin'," Kol directed. "The last names."

Collin Pierce

Amelia Pierce

Jacqueline Peirce

The list went on.

"Are these?" Elyza dropped the journel, the weight hitting the ground with a thud as her eyes filled with tears. Her husband had gotten the one thing she had always thought she would never have. "My family?"

Kol slid his hand across her face, rubbing one of her tears away with his thumb. "Your line lives on. I'm not sure how, but it does. If you would like to, we could track them."

End of Flashback


The Mikaelson pushed herself up, pulling her tank top back down. Kol sat up, blocking the view of his wife's core to the one person who obviously didn't understand boundaries in this house. The door swung open just as Kol had expected, once again, ruining the only alone time he would get with his wife for the day. In between meals now being mandatory and getting pulled every which way to raise their defenses against their mother, Kol was reasonably sick of his siblings' interference.

"Nik!" Kol bellowed.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself, brother," Klaus rolled his eyes, not at all caring that he interrupted at a moment that neither his brother nor sister-in-law were dressed decently. "Dress yourself, sister," Klaus started mockingly. "Bonnie is missing and is not answering my calls."

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