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"Jin hyung, I want to know him more. Can you arrange a job for me at the university please?" Jungkook asked Hoping a positive reply from Jin.

"Of course...I will discuss this
matter with uncle. he will help us" Jin said with a smile.

"Okay.. Today I want to take him out with me if you don't mind?" Jungkook said looking at Jin.

"It's okay... but be careful..and take care of him...." Jin said in worry.

"I will... Don't worry hyung."


"Tae baby...Do you want to come with me today?" Jungkook asked walking towards the younger who was painting...
Taehyung's hoodie and shorts are stained with various colours....

Jungkook chuckled noticing taehyung's adorable appearance...

"Me? really?" Taehyung asked excitedly and Jungkook nodded with a smile.

"where?" Taehyung asked placing the brush aside.

"You can decide that" Jungkook said pinching taehyung's bread cheeks.

"Is amusement park okay?" He made a thinking face before suggesting the place.

"As you wish my highness" Jungkook said ruffling taehyung's hair.

"Get ready... i will wait downstairs" He said and walked outside leaving an excited puppy in his room.


            After some time

Taehyung came down smiling widely He ran towards Jungkook and grabbed his hand excitedly.

"lets go!!" He said excitedly.

"okay" Jungkook said grinning.

"Tae baby... don't talk to strangers and don't walk alone okay?" Jin said cupping taehyung's face.

"Okiee" He nodded like an obedient pup.

"Have a lot of fun baby" Jackson patted taehyung's head.

"Okieee~~~" Taehyung dragged jungkook to outside in excitement.


They reached the park. It was like stepping into a whole new world filled with joy and excitement. Taehyung giggled seeing the vibrant colors, music playing in the background, and the cheerful chatter of people all around, the smells of cotton candy and popcorn wafting through the air. Taehyung looked at the gigantic ride with excitement.

 Taehyung looked at the gigantic ride with excitement

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"Scary" Jungkook mumbled gulping the saliva.

"Hyung come" Taehyung tugged on his shirt.

"N-no this ride is not good.... It's dangerous"Jungkook stuttered.

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