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It's cool and dark outside of the car as they drive, dark clouds on the sky... drops of water fall from the clouds.

Soon it turns into an endless music of droplets hitting the car...

The lights of cars and streetlights blurs with the flow of water on the side windows.

The lights of cars and streetlights blurs with the flow of water on the side windows

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Taehyung looked outside the window... it's calming to watch rain.... then he looked at Jungkook who driving.

Having the urge to capture the moment, Taehyung took out his camera and captured the most beautiful scenery.... that's his Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled fondly at his Taehyung

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Jungkook smiled fondly at his Taehyung.

When they reached the house, Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and walked in the rain.  Jungkook followed him like a whipped bunny.

Taehyung stopped and turn around to see his husband.... they can hear the sound of the sea.

As their eyes met, their heart began to pound with the pounding sound of rain drops.

They smiled, captivated by each other's presence.

They embraced each other... wet from head to toe... the sky grows dark and flashes of lightening shine against their beautiful face.

Jungkook can feel Taehyung's breath as they get near, the warmth of his face and the sound of thunder.

On every flash of lightening, Jungkook can see more of Taehyung's ethereal face, his soft locks spread on his forehead... Taehyung felt butterflies in his stomach as they close the distance.

Jungkook took the next step, and they are no longer two people but one... Jungkook's lips enclosed on Tae's lips soft and gentle yet powerful.. With rain running over their lips.

For Jungkook, all he could feel was Taehyung's sweet smell in his nose, his soft hair and the glossy eyes on his mind... and...

... all Taehyung could feel was Jungkook, his Cologne, his wet hair and his tempting eyes.

Their tongue tangled... and they kissed each other as if this is their last kiss.

Jungkook ran his fingers through Taehyung's wet hair and Taehyung pulled him closer by the nape of his neck.

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