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suddenly something caught taehyung's attention.

A man is forcefully dragging a small girl and that girl is crying and asking for help....

Taehyung winced as some memories flashed through his mind....

That pieces of memories making him dizzy

"Plea-se help mee ......"


Voices in his head made him close his eyes tightly....voice of someone filled his mind making him weak.

His head is paining but his heart screamed to help the kid... so he walked towards them immediately.

"Stop there" Taehyung said to that man who is dragging the small girl harshly.

"Who are you to say that.. huh? I'm her father..." The man said angrily.

"No... he is not my father hyung" The girl cried looking at taehyung desperately.

"shut up. Bi*ch" The man slapped the girl while pushing her to the floor.The poor kid cried sitting there.

"Leave ugly oldie" Taehyung yelled angrily and the man laughed.

"what will you do if i don't leave her ?.." The man went towards taehyung and punched him hard .

" The man went towards taehyung and punched him hard

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Taehyung groaned feeling dizzy.. and his head began to pain more.

He grabbed his head and screamed as a shooting pain passed through his head.

Taehyung felt numb ...closed his eyes as the tears escaped wetting his cheeks .

He opened his eyes slowly with an unreadable expression.

A psychotic smirk appeared on his face making the old man shiver

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A psychotic smirk appeared on his face making the old man shiver.

"wanna play a game?" The younger asked with a creepy smile.

"wh-at?" The man gulped in fear as he took slow steps towards him.

He Starts to punch him as the adrenaline pumping through his veins.... making  him bleed.The man cried in fear.

"s-stop.. pl-ease" he cried.

"I will stop............when you die" he said punching as if the old man is his punching bag.


When jungkook came there holding the icecreams in his hand,his eyes widened in shock.

He saw taehyung punching a man and the man is nearly dead.

"TAE!!!" Jungkook called the younger and rushed towards him.

"TAE... STOP IT!!! HE WILL DIE!!!" Jungkook said loudly seperating the younger from the man.

"Who are you to order me?" He said raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook stood there processing the words the younger just said.

*He is not tae baby*
he said in his mind and tried to seperate the younger who is now choking the man while grinning creepily.

Jungkook noticed the aggression, excitement and a hint of satisfaction in the younger's face.

Soon the police arrived making Jungkook anxious.

"stop it... mister" The police seperated them forcefully.

*what'll i do now?* Jungkook panicked.

Suddenly the small girl ran towards the officers.

"Police uncle.....please don't punish him... he is not a baddie" The kid said to the police and the officers shared glances.

"Kid, can you explain what happened?" Police asked the girl calmly.

The girl explained everything to the police.

Police arrested that man... and let taehyung go after giving him a warning.


"Tae..." Jungkook called the younger gently.

"Iam not that weak and pathetic Taehyung... If you call me that once again, i will kill you" He warned Jungkook.

"okay.. then who are you?" Jungkook carefully asked to taehyung.

"V.." he said blankly.

*V!!...* He gulped remembering the words of Jin and senior doctor.

"okay... I'm jeon jungkook"
He said extending his right hand expecting a handshake.

"I didn't ask you" V scoffed looking at Jungkook while scrolling through taehyung's phone.

"I know right😅" Jungkook laughed in embarrassment.

"I'm going... and you... don't dare to follow me" V said pointing his index finger to Jungkook.

"where are you going?" Jungkook asked Nervously.

" None of your business " he rolled his eyes and turned around to walk.

*I have to find a way to go with him...... let's act jungkook* Jungkook's mind screamed.

"V....please don't leave me alone here..."
Jungkook started to beg and whine following V.

V sighed in anger .

"Stop the act .....and come with me if you want..... but don't dare to order around me" V warned Jungkook.

*Jungkook!!... you are a nice actor... keep it up*
Jungkook complimented himself patting his own shoulder.

"Are you going to stand here?... then I'm going" V said taking few steps away from Jungkook.

 then I'm going" V said taking few steps away from Jungkook

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" wait for me........."  Jungkook ran after V.

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