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"Babe.. you are so hot i want to kiss that ass- " The man couldn't complete his words as he felt a sharp pain passing through his body.

He Looked at V in shock coughing out his own blood ...His eyes widened seeing the blood which is dripping from his body .

"B-Blood ?" He said looking at V in disbelief.

"You want more blood?..." V asked laughing devilishly.

"okay then... I will give you more.."  he said stabbing the man continuously making the man scream.

"w-ho a-are you? W-why-"  He asked weakly.

" Me? Maybe your death?...CHOI MIN SEOK" V said while smirking at the man .


When Jungkook reached at the  door,he heard the painful screams of someone.He panicked and began to bang on the door yelling V's name.

"what's going on inside?" He slammed open the door.

His eyes widened in shock as his eyes landed on the blood pool surrounding the stranger.

V was stabbing the man continuously not noticing the presence of Jungkook.

" V!!!"  He rushed to V and without wasting a second he seperated V from the man forcefully.
Before he could resist, Jungkook hugged him tightly mumbling incoherent words...he became traumatized by the sight.

"V please ..stop.. stop..please" Jungkook cried while hugging the younger.

V wanted to stab the man more...... but he couldn't move because of some unknown reasons.

"Please"  Jungkook Hugged him more tightly while crying.

Soon V's mind went blank and went limb on Jungkook's arms.

"Bl-ood..."  Taehyung looked at his trembling hands in shock.

Taehyung noticed jungkook and then the man who is covered with blood

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Taehyung noticed jungkook and then the man who is covered with blood.

"H-yung... w-what ... w-what happe-ned to m-me?" He asked in panic.

"A-Are you T-Taehyung?"  Jungkook asked wiping his eyes in hurry.

"w-what... w-what.. is wr-ong with me?"  Taehyung asked breathing heavily....

"Baby.... Please breath breath for me..... "  Jungkook began to draw soothing circles on taehyung's back.

"You are safe.. baby.... I will protect you.... you'll be alright" Jungkook mumbled trying hard to stay strong for the younger.

But Nothing worked.... Taehyung began to gasp as he was struggling to breath.

" Baby...please are safe... nothing will happen to you.... your hyung is here... please please..... breath for me-...I love you i can't live without you.....Tae Please " he whispered to taehyung's ears .

Taehyung tried to breath with Jungkook.....After hearing the continuous encouraging words from Jungkook,he began to  breath normally.

But taehyung fell unconscious suddenly.

Jungkook suddenly grabbed his phone to call jin. After a couple of rings,Jin answered the call.

"h-hyung please come fast" he said fastly making Jin panic.

"Jungkook-ah..... what happened? why are you crying? where is tae baby?" He asked to Jungkook who is breaking down.

"Hyung come fast...i don't know what to do" he cried clutching his  phone tightly.

"I'm coming... send me the location.." Jin said.

Jungkook sent the location with his shaking hands....


When jin came there, he saw a man lying in the floor covered with blood.... and jungkook who is sitting in floor and an  unconscious tae is in his arms...

"J-jungkook.... what happened??" He asked in shock.

"H-hyung...I...I  will tell you later.... please do something... i will take tae baby......"

"I don't know what to do with him?" Jungkook added  looking at the victim of V's brutality.

"Is he alive?" He asked checking the man's pulse.

"Thank god... he is alive... you take tae baby to home.... i will manage these things... don't worry" Jin said looking at Jungkook's vulnerable condition.

Jungkook Carried taehyung in bridal style and went to the mansion.

Jin called and said everything....

"Son, don't worry... Bring that man to our hospital fast..... don't let anyone know about this" said and Jin hummed in response.

"Okay" Jin let out an exhausted sigh.

Thank you for reading 💞

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