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Morning light beamed down in fresh waves, with scarcely a cloud in sight. It was as though the blue sky was staring at you in challenge, blinking innocently, saying: 'Oh? It rained two days ago? I have no clue what you are talking about. It never rained. It wasn't my fault you got a cold. And even if it did rain, you should have brought an umbrella. You idiot. How are you in your last year of high school? The fact that you can't do things as simple as that...how can you call yourself an adult? What will you do when you graduate, huh? How can you survive in the outside world, where no one will be holding your hand and doing everything for you? What will you do when you're all alone?'

You grabbed a spare tissue from your pocket and blew your nose, all while looking up and glaring at the sky.

"Shut up, Dad," you spat, your voice clogged with mucus. "Stop speaking to God. How did you even enter heaven anyway? You have no money in your name nor your grave for a bribe that big."

The very thought that he had done one single good thing in his life, to earn him a spot alongside angels, was so utterly laughable that it was not funny.

A warm breeze blew past, ruffling your school uniform and messing your hair. You leaned back against the infamous oak tree, sparing a glance at your watch.

7:00 AM.

An hour until school started.

What was it with you coming so early to civil obligations recently?

The excuse you could provide this time was that you simply could not sleep last night. You woke up at 3 AM on the dot, drenched in a cold sweat, panting and heaving from the nightmare that to this moment shook your soul to its core.

You tossed and turned in bed for thirty minutes, paced back and forth in your room for two hours, drank chamomile tea and wrote in your diary for another hour (where the entry steered to bitching about your classmates and teachers in the end) then, defeated, you slowly got dressed for school and slowly walked the distance instead of catching the bus. Despite everything, it never left your brain.

The nightmare's contents? It was as following.

You were stranded in the middle of a tight fog, nothing but cold grey milieu all around. Suddenly, a grand shadow emerged. The fog dispersed. In the distance was an enormous Papa Bagel, the size and width of a skyscraper, easily dwarfing you to that of an ant in comparison, sharp teeth chomping like Chain Chomp in Super Mario, red laser beams shooting out of his hyper-realistic green human eyes. It was chasing you.

You burst into a run. It was getting bigger as it reared closer. Growling, its heavy steps made the barren dreamlands wobble like earthquakes. You kept running but it was no use. You reached a cliff edge. Slowly, you turned around. Papa Bagel loomed inches away from you, now a monstrously attractive human male who stood above six foot, with rock-hard abs and huge biceps and thick thighs. He smelled like apple and cinnamon. He leaned forward and just before he kissed you on the lips, he screamed at your face.

'Y/N L/N is found guilty of first-degree murder! She is sentenced to life in prison!'

Crispy brown leaves fluttered to the ground, adding to the stack near your feet. A sparrow hopped across the grass and nose-dived into the pile. You sneezed, wiping the excess snot on your tissue before jogging to the closest bin.

You were an evil person but God forbid you stoop so low as to litter.

Just as you headed back to return to your spot at the cursed oak tree, a voice called out from afar.


Maybe, just this once, it would have been okay to litter. Just this time, so that you would not have had to interact with Marjory this early in the morning.

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