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A/N: AAAH THANK YOU @ DoctorStar7 FOR MAKING THIS MEME !!! IIT'S SO ACCURATE AND MADE ME GIGGLE 🤭🤭💕 i welcome any and all memes !! if y'all have meme ideas PLZZ SHARE they make my day 🥺 same goes for fan art !! they make me v v v happy !! 

You woke up to 163 messages, 42 missed calls and 29 voice mails.

It was Sunday, so you hoped to sleep in till noon. But those plans were broken when your phone kept screaming at you from the bedside.

Flashing with each notification, it was the only source of light in your pitch-black room. Your phone vibrated loudly against the wooden surface, creating a sharp clattering noise that almost tore your eardrums. You snatched the device, instantly flash-banged by your Dummy Thicc SpongeBob lock screen and the time.

4:31 AM.

God damn it.

Groggily, you held the phone close to your face. You squinted, your vision blurry as you tried reading the name of the cursed prick who was contacting you at this hour.

"🥯 Bagel Boy (Caspar) 🥯"

Of course.

The messages were panicked. 80% was spamming your name again and again, the other 20% was him sobbing about identity theft and his bank account getting down to the 900-millions. 'Boo hoo, little baby ultra-rich creepy stalker fell for a porn bot scam and now can't afford another super-yacht this season.'

You went through the voicemails.

"Good morning, my Bagel Beloved! This is Caspar. Can you call me back? It's urgent."

"Y/N? Where are you? I keep getting calls from the bank saying that huge sums of money have been stolen from my account. Do you know anything about that? N-Not that I'm accusing you of anything, my darling!! But I did give those details to you recently. Soo..."

"Guess what? The Prince of Nigeria called and says he can help me! His daughter is sick and his bank account is frozen, so he has to transfer his entire fortune to my account. HOORAY!!! I'll be even more rich than I was before!"

"...It wasn't the Prince of Nigeria. It was Bill from Florida. He stole 5 million dollars from me and called me a dumb hoe."


Your villainous cackling got louder with each voicemail.

"That's what you get for stalking me, Caspar," you sneered in the darkness. Your phone's light cast ominous shadows over your face. "Serves you right."

Closing the messaging app, you were met with your home screen. Your evil smile mellowed as you stared at the background.

It was a group selfie of you and your friends. You were at the conservatory school trip, the place where your friend group was immortalised as the 'Bonsai Gang'.

All of you were in the greenhouse, where you could see the glass-paned walls, fern trees and hanging pot plants in the background. Your phone (which took the photo) was propped on the ground, tilted upward, while everyone crowded within the frame, looking down to face the camera.

Oscar was in the middle with his big goofy grin, cradling a bonsai tree in his arms. The tall boy bent forward so that his head wouldn't be cut off in the picture. You stood to his left with a peace sign (and your crooked smile), and Terrence stood at his right, posing with his cooler version of the peace sign while wearing his characteristic smirk and black biker clothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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