3 : really cool bikes and protective best friends

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a sigh escaped her slightly swollen but surely intoxicated lips as she stared at her phone's screen, displaying the text she got from michael two hours earlier. him and alexis, her other best friend, wanted her to go to a fair with them.

charlie wasn't the outgoing type, really. she'd much rather spend her nights alone, sitting on her bed, reading a good book while eating cheetos.

other nights, she'd swim. charlie was a competitive swimmer for four years now, it was her getaway and it kept her in shape. it was another reason why she loved the beach so much.

deciding against disappointing them, she put her phone on her dresser, and walked over to her closet, opening it. she then decided on wearing black shorts and a red flannel ; the usual, which she quickly slipped on.

charlie was in the middle of applying eyeliner, when michael, barged into her room, making her roll her eyes. typical.
"knock much ?" she mumbled, her eyes not leaving her dresser's mirror, focused on perfecting the winged eyeliner.

"sorry char, it's out of habit. so, ready to go ?" he said before placing his phone in his pocket

"almost," she nodded, grabbing a tube of mascara, and applying some of it, making michael roll his eyes.

"you look stunning without makeup anyways, " he stated, he'd always say that whenever he'd see her wearing makeup, which was rare.

"just in case i meet some hot guys, idiot." she said matter-of-factly, making him roll his eyes again. with that, she gathered her phone, and of course, a pack of marlboros, then took michael by his arm and jogged down the stairs, leading him out of her house.

"bye mom!" she yelled to her mother who was probably either drinking or baking, or both, before locking her front door.

michael's ford capri was parked in front of charlie's small white house. he opened the car's door, hopping into the driver's seat, and starting the ignition, while charlie stepped into the passenger seat, closing the car door.

"hey alexis, " she greeted her other best friend cheerfully, it has been three days since they last saw each other, so much for inseparable, it was mostly charlie's fault, she never really left her house.

"hey, " alex greeted back from the backseat, she always loved her 'personal space' and preferred sitting in the back, usually typing on her phone, tonight was no exception.

as michael drove out of charlie's driveway, the three best friends talked about everything and anything.

charlie about the possibility of meeting hot guys, much to michael's annoyance and swimming, alex about soccer and michael about minecraft.
the three had very little in common, making them wonder how the hell they ended up being friends in the first place, but hey, opposites attract right ?

charlie reached over to turn on the radio, which was playing the neighborhood's west coast, making michael and alex groan.

"why can't they just play led zepplin," michael whined, parking his car in front of the fair.

"tell me about it, i wished they'd play bring me the horizon, real music isn't played on the radio." alex said, her eyes glued on her phone.

charlie took one last glance in the mirror, noticing that her hair was uncombed. she quickly stepped out of michael's car, cursing herself.

"you look fine char, stop obsessing over how you look, we're just going to the fair," alex said, following shortly after.

"easy for you to say, your hair is pin straight and you have a clear face, you don't bother combing your hair, or even washing your face, and you look great," charlie said, quickly running her fingers through her long light brown hair, in an attempt to comb it.

"true." alex agreed, and, miraculously, she actually looked at her surroundings, a grin plastered on her olive coloured face.

"ahh the fair, finally," michael turned off the ignition, being the last one to hop out of his car. he took a minute to scan the happy place.

couples were going in and out of the fair, kids jumped up and down excitedly, some screamed from the top of rides, others were eating cotton candy.

michael made sure to lock his car before making his way towards to the stand at the fair's entrance. alex trailed quickly behind him, finally putting her phone back in her pocket, charlie however, was staring attentively at a white honda cbr 1000rr 2009 motorcycle nearby in awe, studying it. except on pictures and in movies, she had never seen one.

"guys, i'll be right back, i think i forgot to chain my bike," she heard a male voice yell, and loud footsteps following it, that didn't stop her from continuing to eye the bike.

" i'm gone for five minutes and someone's already attempting to steal my bike."
the same male voice said, barely above a whisper, the proximity of their bodies was so close that she could feel his warm breath, fanning on her face.

as she looked up, she found him to be the guy from yesterday, her new neighbor. except with a really cool bandana on this time, which made him more attractive than he already was, if that's even possible.

she tried to make out words but failed, he was far more beautiful up close.
( a/n #upcloseandpersonal )
eventually, she managed to stutter a few words, " no, i was admiring it, actually.
is it a honda cbr 1000rr 2009 ?"

the beautiful boy was staring at her blankly, before snapping back to reality.
"um yeah, i re-built it myself actually."

charlie nodded, hearing her name being called : michael.

after having spotted her, he made his way towards her, glaring at beautiful boy.
"alex's already inside, come on let's go." he said, placing his hand on the small of her back before leading her towards the entrance, leaving beautiful boy to chain his bike.
dayyum ashton re-built a bike from scratch how impressive. michael is a little shit ugh.
by the way, alexis "alex" is a girl in case any of you are confused, she's played by imweirdandscrewu :)
don't forget to vote if u enjoyed it :)

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