Intro and Context

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You guys.

Let me hit you with something wild real quick.

Ocelot is currently engaged.

Tf? 😂😂😂

I guess those things start to happen about 5-6 years after high school.

If this is your first time here, then homie, didn't you see the "3" in the title?

If you want, you can probably read this as a stand alone book, but I suggest reading the other two.

The first book is about my terrible love life in high school.

The second is about my terrible love life in college.

This one will be about my terrible love life in adulthood. Yippee. It continues. :/


As I did in the previous books, I'm going to give some context. I believe it helps you understand where I'm coming from a bit better and maybe why I do certain things.

From where we left off in the last book, I had finished college and—7 months later—ended my relationship with the boy who took up the majority of my college years.

Now, it's two years later and I've moved across the world. Yeehaw.

No, like seriously, I'm writing this from my apartment in South Korea lmao.

How the hell did I end up in South Korea, you ask? I'll tell you . . . eventually. You'll have to keep reading to find out. ;)

Also, something else a little important to mention—just because it was featured in the previous books—my friend group from high school had a falling out.

Toucan and Iguana both had separate fall outs with Coati. If I didn't mention it there, the dynamic of the group was that Nilgai and Coati were the closest to each other, Toucan and Iguana were close, then Magnolia and I were equally friends with everyone. Yet, our closest person was not each other. It was sad to see things end, and for a while, I stayed good friends with everyone, but slowly Toucan and Iguana drifted. Nilgai and Coati made the most effort to stay in touch, and they weren't bothered if we didn't talk or see each other for a long time.

So, Nilgai and Coati are my best and closest friends from high school. Magnolia kind of drifts in and out of the friendship. As for Toucan and Iguana, sadly, we're probably acquaintances at best. We rarely ever talk and it's never much when we do.

But those things happen. Some people drift apart.

I'm still good friends with my Wife, of course. Also, she just got engaged to the guy she was dating since college! She will be mine forever, though. >:)

Lots of other things have happened regarding my terrible love life that are going to be included in this book. While I feel like I'm currently living my best life, it's not been without struggles.

I finished up the second book and started drafting this one after some . . . not so great events happened. I love life abroad, but it's also been the most trying time of my life. Things definitely felt like they were shambles for a while.

Truthfully, I'm writing this when my headspace is still quite convoluted. I really don't know how to describe it. One day, I'm on cloud nine, then the next I'm brought back down in a lightning speed crash.

It's a true feeling of getting high on life, minus actual drugs.

So, there are gonna be some darker chapters that require trigger warnings. I'll give ya a warning when the time's right.

We're going to pick up the story from where we left off in the last book, soon after breaking up with my first ever boyfriend.

Let's gooooo, guys, gals, and pals.


(I guess I'm continuing with naming people after animals? Should I still do that??)

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