Word counts and Restroom Embarrasments

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Spencer's POV

Ok so i'm socially awkward as it is. Now this girl comes in, not much younger than me, i'd say about a year or two.

(Spencer is 23 in this story, a year after he joined the BAU)

She's beautiful.

I haven't felt this way about anyone since Lila Archer back in LA.

This is rare for me. Should i be worried?

But anyway, she's completely different to me.

She likes leather, i like chashmere. She likes rock bands, mine varies depending on my mood.

Can i count that one?

I'm doing it anyway.

"So, what do you have PhD's in?" I asked before i thought.

Good question though...

"Phsycology, forensic science, education, engineering and computer science, you?" She replied.


"Nice, I have PhD's in Mathematics, engineering and chemistry. Also B.As in Phsycology and Sociology and i can read 20,000 words per minute." I told her, feeling slightly more bashful than usual.

She looked at me wide-eyed.

"Wow! I'm not sure how many words i can read in a minute. Last i checked it was 19,500, but that test was taken when i was 15. I know i can read more now, but i just don't know how much more." Doctor Borrowdale explained.

"How 'bout we find out?" Morgan, how had obviously been listening into our conversation, spoke with a cheeky grin on his face.

He motioned for us to follow him with his hand and i sighed.

"Is this a bad idea or... ?" The female doctor asked me, obviously noticing my sigh.

"Only one way to find out." I replied, stretching an arm out in the direction Morgan had been walking in.

She smiled and walked in front of me, following Morgan to Garcia's office.

"Hey baby girl, i need you to do something for me." Morgan's voice rang through the room before i'd even entered. it.

"What can i do for you my chocolate god?" Garcia smirked.

I glanced at Borrowdale and she looked a little shocked.

I tapped her shoudler, sending sparks down my finger and through my hand. She looked at me and i motioned for her to come closer to me.

"They always talk like that. But they won't date. Its more just talking sexually to each other." I chuckled.

She nodded and smiled, then went back to concentrating on what Morgan and Garcia were saying.

Georgia's POV

Was it just my imagination or were there sparks when Reid tapped me?

Surely not.

"Do you by any chance have two identical books?" Morgan asked the technical analyst.

"I may. What do you need them for?" She replied, eyebrow raised.

After what i heard between Morgan and Garcia i second ago, i was worried for the analyst's choice of novel.

Better pay attention then...

Reid's POV

Morgan looked at Georgia and i and we both simultaniously shuffled uncomfortably which made both Morgan and Garcia laugh. "An experiment." Morgan said finally.

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