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Georgia's POV

I had no idea how long I'd been here for.

I was starving, my lips were chapped because I hadn't had any water in what felt like forever.

I could almost feel myself loosing weight and I couldn't wait for Reid to come and rescue me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of the heavy door opening.

My kidnapper entered, I could see the smug look in his eyes.

They were a musky blue, with flakes of green and brown in them, they were pretty distinctive.

"Why are you doing this? Jackson is in prison and you have no business getting in his."

He simply laughed.

I wasn't getting anything out of him soon.

"Get up." He ordered.

I stayed put. There was no chance I was going to co-operate with the likes of him.

"You will get up or I will make you get up." He snapped.

Again, I stayed exactly where I was.

In an instant, he was over to me and grabbed me by a clump of my hair, forcing a scream of pain out of me as he put me on my feet.

"I said, stand. Up." He snarled.

He grabbed my chained hands and hooked them to what looked like a meat hook, then hooked the other end to a large ring, hanging from the ceiling.

I was suspended, my shoulders quickly aching as the bones dislocated a little.

I stood up properly so that my arms wouldn't ache as much, then looked with evil eyes to my kidnapper.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked.

"A part from kill you?" He chuckled. "Make your last moments a living Hell." 

Morgan's POV

"ETA?" Prentiss asked.

"Two minutes." I replied, keeping focused as I drove as fast as I could through the civilian traffic.

Once there, we wasted no time in evacuating the car.

We covered all areas of the building registered in Cameron's name - which appeared to be some sort of small warehouse on the outskirts of town. 

On Hotch's command, we burst through the doors in search of our colleague and newest family member.

"Georgia?" Rossi called out. Georgia Borrowdale?"

 I was walking toward a door at the end of the warehouse, but felt the ground change beneath me.

I looked down to see what appeared to be a trap door.

"Guys!" I called, grabbing the attention of the other agents.

I motioned to the door at my feet and they all nodded, allowing me to open it.

The door led to a set of rickety stairs, which I went down, gun first.

"Agent Borrowdale!" I called.

Still nothing...

The door had led to a long corridor; longer than the warehouse itself.

Down the corridor were several large metal doors that seemed to have some sort of locking mechanism to them.

We worked our way down the corridor, trying every door.

We finally reached the one at the end, the biggest of them all, complete with it's own separate locking system. It looked promising.

Rossi and I holstered our guns and pulled the door together, revealing a seemingly empty room.

We entered after I'd pulled my gun out again and there stood Michaels with a gun to the head of a very weak looking Georgia.

Even with such a threat at her temple, she took a deep sigh of relief.

"Put the gun down, Cameron." JJ ordered.

"Not a damn chance. This filthy bitch is the reason my best friend is in prison. She deserves everything she gets. And so did her kids." He spat. "We've had some fun, haven't we, Georgia?"

He licked up her face as she grimaced.

"You won't make it out of here alive." Georgia snarled.

Michaels laughed.

"Is that what you think?"

"Look around, Michaels. You're vastly outnumbered. Do you really think you're getting out of here in anything but handcuffs?" Rossi countered.

Michaels looked around at the team, his eyes wide with a mixture of rage and panic.

In a snap, he threw Georgia against the stone cold wall, causing her to yelp out in pain.

He then pointed his gun in JJ's direction and I squeezed my trigger.

With a large 'thud', Michaels fell to the floor and I ran towards Georgia.

I gripped her in my arms and led her out of the room, towards daylight.

"Thank you." She whispered. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

She continued to repeat the same two words all the way to the hospital and I stayed with her until Reid arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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