⋆☆*Chapter 6*☆⋆

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"Where were you?" 

Bela froze, silently cursing at herself for making so much noise. Sneaking into their room was harder than she thought, with guards questioning her every turn and asking if she was lost. The lock to their door was too loud. 

In the dim glow of a single lamp, her younger sister Mandodari stood in a plain kurta. She clearly hadn't slept and was waiting for her. The two sisters faced each other and glared from across the room, a silent match between them. Not all the time thought, Bela was capable of forgetting her animosity and truely loving her sister most days. 

Bela had a complicated relationship with her sister. Of course, she loved her, but there was always this nagging feeling that though Mandodari was younger, she always acted older than she looked. Her precocious attitude always got on Bela's nerves. They fought over petty things in their childhood as both of them grew up to be competitive against each other. It wasn't a matter of parental affection, they knew they were treated same. But there was a silent stand off every time both of them stood in a room together. 

But ever since the court astrologer predicted Mandodari having a better compatibility to  inherit the crown, Bela felt her birthright was taken away from her. 

"I was roaming in the garden. You're supposed to be asleep, Manu.." Bela muttered. 

Her sister's eyes fell on her bare feet, missing their anklets. 

"The eldest rajkumari of a kingdom shouldn't be seen prancing around-" She started, almost irrelevantly but Bela caught her tone. It irked her temper. 

"Why aren't you asleep? you have a big day tomorrow, attending a meeting with other rulers." She snapped, "Aren't you the one being irresponsible?"

"Watch your tone." Mandodari warned. "I'll send you out of the room-"

"If I talk too much?" Bela seethed. "Alright then, you want me gone, then I'll leave." She bowed deeply before her sister. "Maharani ji."

She turned quickly and slammed the door on her way out, too flushed to think rationally. She made her way towards the gardens unconsciously. The guards in the corridors stepped back in alarm but didn't question her. Faintly, she heard her sister calling her name but she was too angry to care. 

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