The Beginning

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"Look! Both lines lead to the same place." Summer spun and dove in mid-air, spraying water from her mouth as she neared the shaking bush. What came out of the bush was a small red dragon. She was flung out of her hiding place as the water blast hit her square in the face. She landed a bit roughly on the ground as she stared up at Summer and Leyla with an annoyed look on her face. "A-ha! The true culprit is revealed." Summer exclaimed with a small smile forming on her face. "And it's a dragon?" Leyla yelled in surprise. The small red dragon began to glow with heat and a growl rumbled in the back of her throat as she glared up at Leyla and Summer.

"Why were you setting those fires?" Leyla asked. "Why should I tell you?" The fire dragon growled back with a low hiss. "Because one of our friends was wrongly accused of setting these fires." Leyla quickly explained to witch the small dragon just stared at Leyla with wide eyes, not believing what she was hearing. The orange glow that was incasing her body fizzled out and her jaw dropped open in shock.

"You're a Fire Fury right? You're the first one I've ever seen this close." Leyla cried out happily as she pulled out her dragon diary from out of her small purse.

"Wait. Did you just answer me?" She asked and Leyla nodded her head in confirmation. "I sure did." She replied back. "You speak dragon?" The red dragon asked, shocked. "Me and my brother both do." Leyla explained. "What? How?" The young Fire Fury asked with genuine curiosity shining in her eyes. Leyla launched into a story about how both her and her brother were ship recked as small children and rescued by a mother dragon.

By the time Leyla had finished the story, Aggro's jaw dropped open in shock as she stared at the young human girl. "What's your name?" She asked the girl, who smiled warmly down at her. "My name's Leyla." She said. "And this is my best friend, Summer." Leyla motioned with a hand to the Fastfin, who sat quietly next to the girl as she watched the interaction. "It's nice to meet you, Leyla. My name is Aggro." Aggro replied with a kind smile forming on her face.

"Leyla!" Yelled a different voice. A boy, riding a dragon. The three girls looked up in surprise to see Dak, Winger and Burple coming to land beside them. They had been so caught up in there conversation that they hadn't even noticed that the rest of the Rescue Riders had been approaching them. "Oh uh... hi, Dak." Leyla said with a wave in greeting to her brother. "So that's your brother?" Aggro asked her. Leyla nodded as she turned to look back at her new friend. "Yes. This is my twin brother, Dak. And that's Summer, as you already know." Leyla said as she pointed to the other dragons who were sitting next to Summer and Dak. "And that's Winger and Burple. Oh, and Cutter too. Well, actually... Cutter's still back at the Roost, isn't he, Dak?" She asked, looking at her brother, who nodded back at her. "So, who's this little guy?" Burple asked. "Who you calling little?" Aggro growled angrily at Burple. Leyla paled and gave the Rock spitter a small glare as she gave an apologetic look to Aggro, who was glowing with anger and glaring at Burple. But she smiled warmly as she stared into Leyla's warm and welcoming gaze.

"Hey, Aggro? Would you like to come back to the Roost with us?" Leyla asked. Aggro looked thoughtful as she glanced at Leyla and Summer. "Hmmm... yeah sure, why not? I might as well go with you guys and check it out for myself." Aggro replied happily. Dak frowned and gave Leyla a strange look to witch she just gave him a 'We'll talk later,' look. "Come on Rescue Riders, let's wing it!" Winger called to the group as they took off into the air and made there way back to the Roost.

And during the fly there, Aggro stayed close to Leyla and Summer, not talking much and giving the other Rescue Riders distrustful looks. It seemed like to the other members of the group that Aggro only trusted Leyla and Summer, if her chatting happily with the two girls was any indication.

When they got back to the Roost, Magnus and Cheif Duggard were heading there way. "Heads up, Chief Duggard's headed this way with you-know-who." Cutter told them. "Oh great! I don't like that guy with the weird haircut." Aggro mumbled quietly to Leyla, who giggled quietly at the Fire Fury's statement. "Hi, chief. Magnus." Dak greeted them. "Thank you Rescue Riders, for putting out those fires and saving our sheep." Chief Duggard told them with a grateful smile on his face. "You're welcome. But somebody owes Cutter an apology." Dak spoke up to break the silence. "Well, okay, I'm not sure why, but here you go, I-" Chief Duggerd started to say, but he was cut off by Leyla. "Not you," Leyla said. She then pointed at Magnus. "Him." Magnus just crossed his arms over his chest as he glared with distain at the Rescue Riders.

"Me? Apologize to that flying porcupine? Why would I do that?" He sneered haughtily. Leyla sighed and held back a frustrated groan as she glared at Magnus. "Because he didn't start those fires. She did." Leyla said as she looked over at Aggro, who blue a small burst of flames into the air. "Aah! Duggard! I demand you banish this little fire starter." Magnus yelled to the chief while Aggro growled in anger at his words. "Who you calling little?" Leyla stepped in front of Aggro as she began to speak. "You can't send Aggro away. We just invited her to join the Rescue Riders." Leyla explained to the chief. Magnus groaned and started complaining once more about how there were going to be even more dragons now.

"Sure, invite that airborne bonfire to stay. Makes perfect sense." Magnus said with sarcasm clearly lacing his tone. "Actually It does. Aggro set those fires to protect the town sheep from wolves." Dak explained. "And she helped us move them to a safer pasture." Leyla added. "You don't say? Well In that case, move right in why don't you?" Magnus said in an overly excited tone. "Well, for once, Magnus and I agree. Welcome to Huttsgalor, Aggro." Chief Duggard said, giving one of Aggro's wings a firm handshake as he did so. "Let's go Magnus." He said. "Wait, I was being sarcastic. How could you not get that? I didn't really mean it." Magnus protested. "I guess that settles that." Dak exclaimed with a wide smile on his face.

"Hold on." Aggro said as she flew up into the air above the others. "If I stay, I have some conditions." She flew over to Summer first. "No more squirting me with water." The Fastfin laughed quietly and shook her head. "Can't guarantee that." She said with a cheeky grin on her face. "No more sitting on me." She said to Burple. "Not even by accident?" He asked. "And no cracks about my size." Aggro told Cutter in a firm tone of voice. "Not even small ones?" He asked and she laughed. "Okay, okay. That was actually pretty funny. What the hay, let's give it a try." Agrro says happily. "Welcome to Huttsgalor!" Winger told her as she flew up into the air with Summer and Winger. "Let's go!" Aggro cheered happily as she flew right beside Leyla and Summer.

The Rescue Riders payed Magnus no mind as they showed Aggro around the Roost and showed her the sleep cave. Well this was definitely quite the interesting day Aggro thought silently to herself as she flew off with Summer and Leyla to help them catch some fish.

The Flames of Love book #1 Where stories live. Discover now