Character info

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Name: TheSecondComing/Second
Nicknames: Orange/TSC
Age: 17
Gender: male
Role: Team Leader
Strength(1-10): 9
Likes: sleeping, his friends, animating and art
Dislikes: someone hurting his friends, TDL, Blue's Netherwart
Weaknesses: takes things personally, impatient, realist
Relationships: Green (best friend)

Name: Green
Nicknames: none
Age: 16
Gender: male
Role: musician/brawler
Strength(1-10): 8
Likes: music, building stuff, beating Yellow, sparring
Dislikes: losing, being told what to do, people making fun of his friends
Weaknesses: a bit arrogant, also has major OCD, bossy
Relationships: Second (best friend), Purple (crush)

Name: Blue
Nicknames: Weirdo(Green), B
Age: 15
Gender: male
Role: healer/cook/archer
Strength(1-10): 7
Likes: netherwart, his plants, gardening, cooking for his friends
Dislikes: arguing, staying up late,
Weaknesses: fearful, overthinks a ton, shy
Relationships: Yellow (twin)

Name: Yellow
Nicknames: Yel, Y, Nerd (Green)
Age: 15
Gender: male
Role: engineer, hacker
Strength(1-10): 5
Likes: building things, planning, figuring out how things work, making fun games for his friends
Dislikes: being teased, being alone, feeling weak
Weaknesses: is the most vulnerable, too curious, insomnia, overworks himself
Relationships: Blue (twin)

Name: Red
Nicknames: none really
Age: 13
Gender: male
Role: strength/encourager
Strength(1-10): 10
Likes: Rueben, his animals, his friends, sparring with Green
Dislikes: his friends getting hurt, being the youngest, chores
Weaknesses: slightly ignorant, impulsive
Relationships: none

Name: Purple
Nicknames: none
Age: 15
Gender: female
Role: skilled fighter
Strength(1-10): 8
Likes: Green, her new family, flying
Dislikes: being left behind, not being good enough
Weaknesses: dependent on the wrong people, stubborn
Relationships: Green (crush), MT ("dad")

TCO, TDL, and King Orange/MT will also be in these. I just got lazy. XD
MT is 27
TCO is 24
And TDL is 23

I will write more soon! I am busy with work and school rn so they may be short. But hopefully you'll enjoy them!

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