Nightmares 💙💛❤️

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*bursts into room*
*aggressive sniff* DO I SMELL ME SOME ANGST???!!!! >:D    *laughs in trauma*



Yellow found himself in a very dark room. He looked around, trying to figure out where he was.

"Guys?" His voice echoed across the seemingly endless void.

Yellow shivered. Why was it suddenly so cold?

"Guys? Guys, where did you go?" His voice trembled, becoming a bit more desperate.

He could feel something watching him. His blood ran cold as eyes appeared in the darkness. They were glowing red and  filled with hatred.

And they were everywhere.

Yellow heard shouts and he turned around quickly. Relief flooded over him as he spotted his brothers, but it was soon washed away when he realized what was happening. His brothers were desperately trying to fight The Dark Lord, ViraBots surrounded them completely. Green and Second fought back to back, trying their best to keep the ViraBots at bay. Blue was on the ground, holding an unconscious Red, tears streaming down his face. What they didn't notice was a massive shadowy figure creeping up behind them, threatening to engulf them at any moment.

Yellow tried to run, wanting to help his brothers, but he couldn't. To his horror, he couldn't lift his legs. It felt like something was holding him down. He pulled at his legs desperately, trying to break free of whatever was holding him, but it didn't work. He looked back up towards his brothers and screamed, trying to gain their attention. He had to warn them.

His shouting and screaming was in vain. His brothers didn't hear his warnings. Yellow tried to scream again, but nothing came out of his mouth. He felt something tighten around his throat.

"B-Blue!" Yellow wheezed.

He watched as his brothers were completely engulfed in darkness, leaving Yellow alone once again. He coughed as whatever was holding him tightened its grip. He could feel something wrap around his arms and legs and he thrashed, trying to break free. It was getting harder to breathe by the seconds, and Yellow was starting to get light headed. He coughed violently, tears streaming down his face as he started to choke. His throat started to close and it now took everything he had to take small breaths. He tried to scream, one last time, as he felt darkness engulf him. As his vision began to fade, a strangely familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Welcome to the dark side, Yellow..."

The Dark Lord suddenly appeared, his ViraBlade activated. He reared back, ready to stab Yellow~


Yellow shot up from his bed, screaming softly. He sat on his bed, silently looking around. He was in his own room. He let out a shaky breath.

It was just a dream...

He rubbed his sweaty forehead, trying to stop himself from trembling. He flinched as his shaky hand brushed against his neck. He could still feel the small scars, left by Dark when he tried to strangle Yellow. Yellow shivered, and grabbed his throat gently. Tears ran down his face as he tried to get the images out of his head.

Green trying to save him... Blue desperately attacking Dark and crying... Red...on the ground... dying...

He choked and started to sob, clutching his hair desperately. He didn't notice the door open.

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