Happy Birthday 💙 & 💛

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Hope y'all enjoy this one! I wrote this for my sister, who had the idea!

Y'all are the best!!

Blue sat up in bed and yawned, scratching his head. He looked at his alarm clock.


Man. He must have slept in.

He yawned again, his vision slightly blurred. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and stretched.

Time to start my day!

Getting up, he slipped off his pj top and stood in front of his mirror. Burn scars covered most of his body from his legs up. Blue softly rubbed his scarred arm before slipping on a sky blue turtleneck sweater and a pair of jeans. He then stepped into the bathroom to comb his hair and brush his teeth. As he was brushing his teeth, his phone went off.

It was a message from Purple.

Happy birthday!! <333

Blue quickly looked at his calendar. The 24th!!
It was his and Yellows birthday!

He quickly finished brushing his teeth and rushed out of his bedroom. He quietly made is way down the hallway, trying not to wake his brothers. He stopped at a very familiar door. A wooden sign hung on it.

Yellow's room
Pls stay out
(That means you, Green)

Blue chuckled and cracked open the door. A dim light spilled through and filled the hallway as Blue stepped in. He immediately found his twin brother fast asleep. Yellow was still in his chair, his face and arms resting on his desk. An unfinished project lay close to his head and he had a screwdriver still in his hand. Blue sighed and gently placed his hands on Yellow's shoulders.

"Wake up you sleepy-head,"

Yellow mumbled something inaudibly and slowly shifted. He raised his head slowly and reached for his glasses.

"What year is it?" He grumbled softly.

Blue rolled his eyes.

"It's 2024 you goof."

"Good. I can sleep a bit longer before I turn old and grey."

Blue chuckled and combed back his brother's messy hair with his fingers.

"Happy Birthday!" He whispered softly.

Yellow sat up and looked at him, confused. He adjusted his glasses while pulling out his phone.

"Oh! Right! I almost forgot about that. Happy birthday, bro!" He grinned, a bit more awake now.

Blue laughed and headed towards Yellow's closet. He pulled out a dark blue hoodie and a pair of jeans.

"Here. Put this on."

"Why can't I wear this?" Yellow referred to the wrinkled shirt he was wearing.

"Cause you look like you slept in it."

"I did."

Blue rolled his eyes and yanked his brother's shirt off, shoving the hoodie in his arms.

"And don't forget to brush your teeth." He noted.

Yellow scoffed and strapped on his prosthetic leg.

"You're like a mother hen. No. Strike that. Worse."

"And? Somebody's gotta take care of you!" Blue's eyes danced with laughter as he ruffled Yellow's hair.

Yellow just rolled his eyes as he slipped the hoodie over his head.

After Yellow was finished, they headed down stairs to the kitchen. Yellow sat down at the table and started scrolling through his phone as Blue started brewing some coffee and put on a pot of water for tea. Blue watched as his brother laid his phone on the table and sighed, rubbing his temples. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes clearly visible.

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