Chapter 4

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Wednesday soon rolled around and Y/N couldn't help the giddiness that overcame her as she went back to the studio. She had no idea what the boys had in store for this video but she was excited to find out. She was also excited to see Joe again. She knew that she shouldn't be and that she had a boyfriend waiting for her at home. However, a part of her was wanting to pretend something could happen between them and how different things would be if only she wasn't with Doug.

As Y/N arrived, the receptionist from before let her straight through. The smile that crept onto her face was soon reciprocated when the band spotted her immediately. As she walked up to them, they all greeted her with a hug. Joe did so reluctantly, knowing that there was a chance that he wouldn't be able to let go of her again. Luckily he had the strength to, but he felt himself shaking slightly. Joe had no idea how this woman had managed to make him feel this way in only one week. But she had. And he now had to face the consequences of it.

"It's good to see you again Y/N." Sav smiled at her after his lead singer let go.

"You too. Sorry about leaving so suddenly on Saturday night, Doug was tired." Y/N excused her boyfriend. She wasn't sure as to why she apologised for him, but she thought it was only polite to.

"No worries love." Steve smiled at her. Y/N nodded her head and all the group could tell that there was something she wasn't telling them.

Noticing the silence, Y/N decided to break it. "Happy Birthday Phil." She grinned at the guitarist.

"Thank you darlin'" Phil smirked at her before they were all called to start.


They got on with filming the music video. Y/N's main part was to be tied to a tree. She was to hang her head down and turn it from side to side but not look at the band. Y/N found that to be the hardest section of the video. The urge to lift her head and watch Joe nearly overwhelmed her but she managed to contain herself, not wanting to ruin the shot for the lads.

It wasn't the most comfortable position to be stuck in but Y/N was grateful that she wasn't back in a cage with women that she didn't know. She appreciated the directors' need to get her shot done quickly so that they could unchain her. During Phil's guitar solo, her handcuffs would come undone and she could lower her arms. They were not tight on her wrists but she was thankful nonetheless that she had her arms back.

After that section was done, Y/N was moved to sit down at a chess table with none other than Peter Mensch dressed as a monk. It didn't take long to shoot the scene of the two of them playing chess, something Y/N was thankful for as she did not know how to play.

"Okay let's have lunch." The director yelled. Y/N stood up and walked over to where the band was gathered. They all greeted her again, commenting on how good she looked during the video.

"So where are we heading for lunch?" Sav asked as the group moved towards the exit. "Same place as last time?"

"Sure, you coming Y/N?" Rick asked the girl.

"Can do." She smiled at the drummer as they all went to the little cafe that they went to last week. All the boys found it highly amusing that Y/N had to keep her makeup on in public due to the fact that they still had segments of the video to film.

They all made their way down the street to that little cafe that they visited before. Sitting down at a table, the light chatter filled the air as they all decided on what they wanted. Sav and Y/N going up to order for the group.

"So how's Doug?" Sav asked as they waited to order their food.

"He's uh fine." Y/N told him, trying to sound confident but failing to do so.

"Really? Look I know that it's none of my business, but we are all going to be spending a lot of time together over the next few months and I want you to know that you can talk to me okay?" He told her sincerely. The glint in his blue eyes told Y/N that he knew a lot more than what he was letting on.

"Okay." She gave him a small smile before her attention was taken away by the server.

The two ordered for everyone before going over to sit down and wait for it to be ready. Y/N couldn't help but notice that Joe was being rather quiet. Granted she didn't know him all that well yet but last week he had presented himself as outgoing and friendly. Today however, he looked almost glum. No matter how much the rest of the group tried to involve him in the conversation, they only gave one or two worded answers in return.


They got back to carry on filming. Y/N had her makeup touched up again as they prepared to film the middle part of the video. Joe would be holding a sword as he walked down the path set out for him with Y/N standing behind him. Again this section didn't take long to film and Y/N was done for the day. She was watching them all as she removed her makeup and tried to tame her hair a little bit, knowing that with all the hairspray, not much could be done until she washed it out.

It came to the end of the day and she said goodbye to all the lads, knowing that she wouldn't see them again until the tour started in two months. Each of them gave her a hug as the said bye, all telling her that they couldn't wait for the tour.  She returned the sentiment before making her way out of the building, feeling down that she wouldn't be in their company again for two months.

She soon made her way to Doug's car and got in silently.

"You took a while again today." Was the first thing he said to her as she got in the car.

"I told you last week that I don't know how long the videos are going to take."

"Even so. I've been waiting ages."

Y/N just rolled her eyes at him, not bothering to respond, knowing that he just wanted another argument.

"I'm serious Y/N, how do I know what you are doing in there with all those men."

"What do you mean? You know exactly what we are doing. We are shooting a video. It's not just me and the band you know. There are loads of people there." She told him.

"I just find it weird how my girlfriend wants to spend so much time with other men rather than her own boyfriend."

"I spend so much time with you Doug. Whenever you are not at work you are with me. Whether that be at home, or rehearsals or waiting in the bloody car for me." Y/N could feel the tempers rising in the small car.

"When's the tour?" Doug changed the subject slightly.


"So it'll be you with those men again?"

"Yes, as well as Tammy, Johnny and Benji."

"Do you have to go?"


"You heard me Y/N. Do you have to go on tour with them?"

"Yes Doug this is huge for the band. Why wouldn't I go?"

"I just don't trust those rockstars."

"It doesn't matter. You should trust me." Y/N tried not to shout knowing that it would only make matters worse.

"I should go with you."


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