Chapter 6

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Y/N and Joe realised how close they stood near each other and quickly moved apart. However, it wasn't quick enough by the smirks on the two bassists faces as they looked on at the position they found their lead singers in.

"We wondered where you both got to." Sav raised his eyebrow at them.

"Just coming." Joe said, a pink hue invading his cheeks. Y/N and Joe didn't spare each other another glance as they walked back to the makeshift dressing room, the tension painfully high.

Ultraviolet were on first so the four of them were huddled together, sharing the nerves between them. Little did they know that they were being watched by the other band in the room, the look of understanding on all their faces, remembering their first shows.

"You okay Y/N/N? You seem quiet." Johnny asked the girl as she was taking a few deep breaths.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, just nervous I guess." She told him, knowing that it wasn't just the thought of performing making her feel that way.

"You'll do great. You always do." He told her reassuringly, rubbing her arm as they all got ready to perform.

Behind Johnny, Y/N could see Joe watching her. Shooting him a small grin she got a nod in return and she felt all of her nerves melt away for a moment. She internally scolded herself for thinking of another man that way whilst in a relationship. No matter how unhappy she was.


The first show went great for Ultraviolet. All of them gained congratulations from the lads waiting for them. The adrenaline rush that was surging through them felt electric. They quickly made their way back to the dressing room feeling sweaty. There were showers in the back that the bands could use so they all made their way through to clean themselves up.

When Y/N finished getting redressed, she saw that Tammy was waiting for her.

"They've gone to watch Def Leppard perform. You coming?"

Y/N nodded her head and followed her through the back corridor of the building, the sound of 'Photograph' being played brought a smile to Y/N's face. She had heard it on the album but now the song only brought on good memories from when they filmed the video on Sav's birthday.

The song got louder as they got closer and Y/N noticed the grin on Tammy's face. Since Ultraviolet found out that they would be touring with Def Leppard, they had listened to 'On Through the Night', 'High n' Dry' and 'Pyromania' on repeat and all four of them became fans. The two young women met up with Johnny and Benji, who were completely enamoured with the performance they were witnessing.

"They're brilliant aren't they" Johnny shouted as soon as he saw the singer and bassist approach.

"Absolutely." Tammy agreed.


A few weeks passed on tour and all of them were having the time of their lives travelling from place to place performing. Ultraviolet were becoming more and more well known as they continued to open for Def Leppard. The album that had been cheaply put together a few months prior was starting to sell and the band couldn't be happier.

However, despite all the joy going round so far on the tour, there were moments Y/N wished didn't have to happen. The phone calls home to Doug were emotionally draining. Every phone call consisted of arguing and shouting, nearly bringing Y/N to tears each time.

Tammy was there for her after each phone call and usually they would talk about it for a few hours. Y/N knew that she had to break up with him. She knew that she could not stay with him whilst he was treating her this way, but a part of her couldn't bring herself to do it. Not over the phone at least.

The last show of February was happening in Bristol and after Ultraviolet performed, Y/N decided to call Doug and get it over with. After she had spent extra time in the shower, contemplating what she should do, she dialled the number she was all too familiar with. She felt the feeling of dread fill her stomach as she tried to prepare herself for the shouting match she was about to compete in.

"Y/N?" She heard Doug's voice filter through the phone almost as soon as she finished dialling, he must've been waiting by the phone.

"Yeah it's me."

"It's about time you called, I've been waiting ages."

"I've just come off stage, I called as soon as I could."

"Couldn't you have called before?"

Y/N took a deep breath, trying not to let the anger inside of her rise.

"I had a soundcheck and to get ready, Gavin has us on a tight schedule."

Doug didn't answer and instead changed the subject, frustrating Y/N even more.

"You've been spending a lot of time with those men?" He asked her with an evident growl in his voice, causing unpleasant goosebumps on her skin.

"Of course, all of us have spent a lot of time together. We are touring together." Y/N told him.

"You slept with any of them."

Y/N was shocked at the accusation. Doug didn't need to know about the tall lead singer that had been plaguing her mind since she met him. But the fact he didn't trust her hurt.

"Of course not. Don't be absurd."

"Is that why you haven't called? You've been whoring yourself around."

"No Doug, I haven't slept with any of them."

"You sure about that."

"Yes. I can't believe you would even suggest that."

"I wouldn't shock me with you."

Y/N gasped audibly when she heard that. She hadn't realised that Def Leppard had finished their set and that none other than Joe Elliott was standing behind her.

"I'm going to hang up now. Goodnight."

Y/N could hear Doug telling her to not hang up on him but she didn't listen, slamming the venue payphone back on the wall. She wiped away the tears and turned around, noticing Joe for the first time.

"Are you okay?" He asked her softly. For a moment, Y/N wanted to say yes. Tell him that it was just a small misunderstanding and that she would be fine.

But instead all she did was shake her head and let even more tears fall. Joe wasted no time wrapping her up in his arms. Cooing gently in her ear and telling her that it was going to be alright. When she managed to calm down a bit, Joe moved them to a small room with a few chairs in it.

"Talk to me Y/N." He told her, not unwrapping her from his arms as he sat down with her. She told Joe everything. Everything about her and Doug, about how she was no longer happy with him and how she wanted to leave but didn't know how.

Joe sat and listened to her as she spoke. He felt his heart breaking for the girl shaking in his arms. He knew that her relationship wasn't perfect but he didn't know that it was that bad.

"He doesn't deserve you Y/N/N." Joe told her, putting his hand gently under her chin and lifted her head up to look at him. He got lost in her eyes, the most beautiful eyes that he had ever seen.

The two didn't realise it but they started leaning into each other. Before they knew it, their lips connected for the first time. They both knew it was wrong but neither could pull themselves away.

Y/N felt Joe's tongue ask for entrance, which she granted immediately. She threaded her fingers through his hair, tugging gently earning herself a moan. Smiling gently into the kiss, Joe explored her mouth whilst wrapping his arm around her to pull her closer.

They don't know how it happened but Y/N ended up on Joe's lap. His lips started to trail down her face and neck before landing on her shoulder. He pushed her t-shirt to the side and started to gently suck, grazing his teeth along her skin.

When the two eventually pulled apart, they found themselves breathless. Gazing into each other's eyes the reality of what they did started to settle in.

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