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Four Years Later

The end of the Hysteria tour had finally arrived. Y/N and Joe had been separated for the better part of eighteen months due to them both touring. That Christmas had been their first holiday season apart and it nearly killed them both.

The two had decided to move to Dublin a few years ago for multiple reasons and thanks to the money they were both bringing in with the popularity of Def Leppard and Ultraviolet, they were able to afford their dream home with a built in studio.

Life had been so perfect for the two of them that reunions they had made their time apart worth it. Def Leppard hadn't toured since Rick had his accident at the end of '84. Ultraviolet on the other hand had been on tour twice since then. Joe couldn't have been prouder of Y/N. especially as he had known her from the beginning so he got to watch the band grow.

The two bands stayed close. Meeting up frequently and even going on holiday together a few times. Joe and Y/N being a couple helped them all to stay in touch but the friendships between all the members was incredible. Fans had even come to recognise them out together and had picked up on the love they all carried for each other.

Ultraviolet had decided to take a year off before recording their next album. Y/N had decided that she wanted to spend more time with Joe and Benji wanted to settle down after getting married the previous year. Tammy and Johnny were more than happy to do this for their bandmates and decided to start writing material for the next album.


Y/N was waiting on the sofa for Joe to come home. It had felt like too long since she had last seen him and she almost couldn't contain her excitement. When she heard the door unlock and that familiar voice ring out through the house, she couldn't help herself but to get up and greet her boyfriend.

Joe's face lit up as he saw her running towards him. Dropping his bag he was quick to catch her in his arms, spinning her around. When he put her down, immediately their lips connected. Y/N felt the sparks fly like the first time and she couldn't feel any happier then in that moment.

As they pulled apart for a breath, they rested their foreheads against each other; they couldn't help the smiles that spread across their faces.

"Well hello there love." Joe smiled as he kept his arms around her.

"Hello." Y/N grinned. "How was the tour?"

Joe let out a laugh. "I spoke to you nearly everyday."

"I know that but I want to hear it all again."

Joe led Y/N over to the couch. "Okay then but first I need to ask you something."

"Sure, everything okay?"

"I hope so, listen." Joe took a breath. "We've been together for over four years now and we live together. Now that we are both home for a little while I want to make the most of the time we spend together and I don't want to waste a minute. Y/N, you are the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without you."

Joe grabbed a little box from out of his pocket.

"Will you marry me?"

Y/N gasped as she felt tears in her eyes. She didn't waste a minute in nodding her head before she launched herself at him and captured his lips in another passionate kiss.

Joe laughed against her lips and when they separated, he brushed the hair out of her face.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" He spoke as he placed the ring on her finger.

"Of course it's a yes." Y/N told him as she led him to their bedroom. "Now let's go celebrate."

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