Chapter 5

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Two months passed by slowly for Y/N as she couldn't wait to go on tour. Ultraviolet celebrated Christmas and New Year together, having a good time drinking and just being boisterous.

Finally the time had come for the tour to start. Doug has been begging to go with them since 'Rock of Ages' was filmed but Y/N put her foot down. She remembered the disastrous conversation that ended the discussion.


"Doug for the last time, why would you want to come on tour?" Y/N asked as she ran a hand through her hair.

"To spend time with my girlfriend, is that too much to ask?"

"Doug we've been over this." Y/N groaned.

"And it seems that we have to go over it again. I should come with you."

"What about all your complaining about lack of money. You are the one who is insistent that I get a 'real job' yet you are more than happy to quit yours. What will we do for money then?" Y/N had to admit that maybe it was wrong of her to pull that card but for the last month and a half Doug had been going on at her about joining on tour. Nobody else's partner would be joining and Ultraviolet simply couldn't afford the extra expense of another person.

That and she didn't want him there. She wanted to enjoy this time and not have another repeat of the night in the pub after their show. Y/N dread to think what Def Leppard really thought of her after Doug's little performance then.

"Fine. You probably don't want me there so you can fuck whoever you want." Doug spat at her and with that he turned around and stormed off.


Doug hadn't mentioned anything about joining her on tour again, but passive aggressive comments were made, making Y/N countdown the days until she would leave. Of course to start with they would be in between the UK and Europe and in the middle of March they would be going to America until the end of June.

The day they had to leave, Doug was barely talking to Y/N. He seemed to still have a chip on his shoulder and Y/N wasn't going to do anything to cause an argument. She was too excited for that.

She double checked that she had everything packed and sat all her bags by the front door. Benji would be coming by to pick her up for the first venue along with his girlfriend. They had to be early to sort out their luggage. Doug had said nothing about seeing her off, which made her relax a little bit. At least she wouldn't have to risk a scene in public, or in front of Def Leppard.

"I'm now off." Y/N called as she saw Benji pull in outside. She didn't get a response and sighed to herself as she went to go find Doug. He sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea. It was obvious that he could hear her shout for him.

"I'm going now." She told him as he continued to look away from her.

"I heard."

"Fine. I'll see you in a few months then. With that she made her way to the front door and collected her bags. Doug had followed and stood a few steps behind her.

"You'll call won't you?" Doug asked her, causing her to turn around. If Y/N didn't know him as well as she did then she might have thought he cared. But she knew that he only wanted to keep checking up on her. To keep the peace she nodded her head and opened the front door.

No more words were shared between the two as Y/N picked up her bags and made her way to Benji's car.

"He let you come then?" Benji spoke as soon as she shut the door.

"Reluctantly, yes."

That was all that was said on the matter.


When they got to the venue, Y/N and Benji were met with Tammy and Johnny who had come together. The aura of excitement that surrounded the four was thick as they waited to put their bags on the bus they would be using. It was nothing fancy but enough for the four of them.

Y/N heard a commotion coming from behind her, where the five Leppards were making their way towards them, all of them displaying the same energy as Ultraviolet.

"Are we all ready?" Joe asked as he clapped his hands together. Everyone cheered like a bunch of children, earning odd looks from the venue staff. Peter Mensch and Ultraviolet's manager Gavin came up to the group, smiles on their faces.

"It's great to see you all getting along so well. You will all be spending a lot of time together over the next few months." Peter told them all as he looked at Gavin.

"So if Y/N, Tammy, Johnny and Benji want to come with me and we'll sort your bags out then go to soundcheck." Gavin looked in between the people he was talking to. Y/N could feel the adrenaline build up inside of her, all her dreams about to come true. A quick bye was said between the bands before they went their separate ways with their luggage.

As Ultraviolet weren't that popular yet they didn't have the money for over the top stage outfits so they made due with what they had at home. This meant that the band were responsible for their own clothes and that they had more bags to transport with them.

After they dropped their bags off, Ultraviolet made their way to soundcheck. This would be the biggest crowd that Ultraviolet had played in front of and throughout soundcheck, Y/N could feel the nerves creeping up on her. She was getting reassuring looks from Tammy who could already tell from her best friend's demeanour that she was scared.

However, there was one person in the room who managed to calm Y/N down. Joe had come to watch, along with Sav and Rick. No one could guess where Phil and Steve were. As Y/N sang into the microphone, she made eye contact with Joe who had a gentle smile on his face. The kind of smile that could put all the world to rights and it was directed at her.

The butterflies in her stomach were going haywire as her focus was on him. It was like his gaze was removing any worry from her whilst his smile was uplifting her to perform to the best of her ability.

At the end of their soundcheck, they made way for Def Leppard to do theirs. Y/N went backstage to the makeshift dressing room that was set up for them. Due to lack of room, the two bands would be sharing and Y/N and Tammy would have to change in the bathroom for some modesty.

Y/N was sitting backstage doing her makeup when Def Leppard finished. The rest of Ultraviolet were dotted around the room and chatter filled the previously peaceful silence immediately. Smiling at them all, Y/N stood up and went to her small bag where she had that evening's outfit stored before she went to the bathroom to change.

Trying not to take too long, she quickly swapped her clothes before putting her jeans and old t-shirt in the bag. As she walked out of the bathroom she was met with something solid.

"Sorry love." She heard a familiar deep voice announce as he put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. Y/N peered up into Joe's green eyes.

"I wasn't looking where I was going, sorry." Y/N told him as she found herself still in his grasp.

"Don't worry Y/N." Joe smiled at her. "You were great earlier." He told her, referencing the soundcheck.

"Thank you." She squeaked, which made Joe smile even more, showing the dimple on his left cheek.

The two stood there in silence as they stared into each other's eyes. Joe thought that she might just be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, especially as she looked up at him with those doe eyes of hers.

They hadn't realised how long they had been standing there until they heard two people clearing their throats. Looking over they saw Sav and Tammy watching them.

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