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Rossi was babysitting, and here I was in tight jeans, a nice button-up, and a vest at a party full of different gangs, or mob members.

"yeah, we know where the Italians are"

"Aren't you a bit scared? They took down a quarter of your group"

"Fuck no, we plan to get our revenge, this isn't the first time they've gone after us, didn't you hear about the wedding they crashed years ago? Only four people they killed were members, only survivors were a bastard son of the boss and a baby"

My stomach rolled, I fought to keep a straight face but it was hard.
They continued chatting, but nothing useful until later

"Yeah, we know they have the guy, using right now, we don't have a face just a name, we suspect they are going to use him as a bartering chip"

After I used the bathroom, many eyes were on me, I silently cursed as I ended up running from a shoot-out and a threat being shouted.

"We caught you, bastard! Your days working for the enemy are up!"

Arriving home I was panting, my chest aching, and my right shoulder stinging.

"Hey- shit"

Rossi dragged me to the bathroom and started patching my arm up, while he did I started writing out everything.

"Damn, okay, I will call the boss over, you aren't safe here anymore, you will be living with us"

Soon I had Alessandro and Matteo in my home, I refused any medication and just held an ice pack to my bandages.

"We didn't kill your mother, that was before we moved to this side of the country, and we wouldn't use you like that"

I gave a tired smile and nodded, Matteo worriedly checked my arm and felt my face.

"He's burning up, we need to move them now"

"Agreed, only pack what you, and things with memories, we have a crib and beds"

I nodded my head, Alessandro packed my papers and books, and Rossi packed all the baby stuff while Matteo helped me in my room.

I tossed clothes and shoes into bags, and Matteo helped pack up important papers before he left to start in Lila's room.
He moved everything out to the car with Rossi, then Alessandro loaded Ryan into the car, Matteo carried a sleeping Lila, and I carried my bag.

Morning came and I had to explain to Lila we would be living here, then as she ran to have breakfast ( Misses Campioni had Ryan) I slipped into the bath.

My fever never left, Rossi thinks I'm sick because of stress.
My body aches making me moan, the warm water makes my muscles relax in the large tub, and the lavender bubble bath makes me tired.
My eyes slip shut, and I wake up to soft fingers caressing my face.

"Hey, I brought up some breakfast, you good?"

I whined as I closed my eyes, giving his hand a soft nuzzle as I hummed.

"Still so tired? I guess that's normal for being sick, have you even washed yourself?"

I shook my head, eyes still closed.
Then I felt him scrub my hair, my cheeks warm as I opened my eyes to look up at him.

"Just helping you out, besides, you also got shot"

I hummed as a soft thrumb vibrated my chest, my eyes slipping shut.
Then he rinsed my hair before moving down, he finished my chest and went to move lower when I sat up and grabbed his hand.

"Hey hey, I wasn't gonna do anything bad, just going for your legs"

I breathed heavily as I shook my head, my face burning as I looked him in the face.
He raised a brow before his eyes widened, clearing his throat he moved back a bit.

"Oh uh, I see, um, uhhh"

I covered my face with my hands, muffling an embarrassed groan.

He left the room and I drained the tub, once my problem had gone down some I moved to my room with a towel around my waist.
Matteo was fiddling with my Ukelele until he heard me, I kept my gaze off him as I put on underwear under my towel.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did to uh, turn you on, it wasn't my intention I swear, I would do something like that after you trusted me with the information about being a carrier, I know I'm a dick but I wouldn't"

"You are fine, it was all me, sorry, this has only really happened one other time with someone, and is the reason I don't usually let people help me get dressed or bathe, I could be so sick I can move and I still wouldn't let anyone help, guess I've gotten too comfortable with you, I forgot my rules"

I spoke through the phone, then I towel-dried my hair before tossing it into the hamper.

"You feel comfortable with me? Wait... Did this other person take advantage of you?"

I nodded my head as I took a seat on my bed, he silently handed over the tray of food, his hand brushing my right one.
The muscles in my arm tightened, and I clenched my jaw, but besides my heart spiking and a pain behind my eyes... I was fine, I released the breath I was holding and he did the same.

"You... You didn't freak out like the last time"

I nodded, swallowing thickly as I gave him a soft smile.

"I guess I really am comfortable with you"

"Here, let me help you"

He said as he started to cut up my pancakes, he was now sitting beside me and I could smell Lila and Ryan on him.

"You good? You don't usually sniff me"

He chuckled, and I blushed as I began to type into my phone.

"Lila and Ryan like you, I smell them on you"

"Oh yeah, well since she got expelled she's been joking about me getting labeled as her father, she seems to think it's funny, and Ryan? Don't babies like everyone?"

I shook my head, no, and he hummed as he fell into deep thought.
One bite of pancakes made me moan, then I started shoveling them in as fast as I could.

"slow down, you are gonna choke! Hell, with that much food, I would have gagged by now, kinda surprising you aren't"

As I chewed I pointed at my throat, then typed out.

"No gag reflex, only ever gag when I go to puke"

Then I moved on to the bacon and eggs, not noticing the blush on Matteo's face as he watched me rip the thick slice of ham like a starved wolf.

( Update! Going to be busy tomorrow lol, enjoy)

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