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I cock my gun as I silently looked through the scope, with just a hint of movement I fired and bright blue paint splattered the helmet of Rossi.
The lights brighten as I hear guys booing and others cheering, Rossi curses as he rips his helmet off.

"Alright, kid! You won, now come out!"

"That little- he took us all out!"

I snickered as I crawled toward the edge of the roof, the indoor crows nest roof was my hiding spot, I grabbed the rope and slid down.

"How the hell did you get up there so fast?"

"Dude, did you have to shoot me in the ass? My wife likes smacking my butt, so now it's gonna hurt!"

Sophie whined, I just shook my head with a grin as we headed towards the door.
As I handed off my gun, I began pulling my gear off.

"Ah! Corbin, Gabriel, and his men are here, could you show his people to their rooms and then join us for lunch, I've got the kids"

'Thanks, Mama, I won't be long'

I signed before running off, grabbing my phone from my office before reaching the entry hall.

"Ciao, I am Corbin Sokolov, I have been asked to show you to your rooms, and I will show you where the gym, training room, shooting range, and computer room are on our way"

Some of the men grumbled, and the woman would scoff, but they were good for me.
I entered the dining room as I stretched, a rattle escaped me before I growled, the man the was standing guard smirked as he pulled his hand back from my butt.

"Papa? What's wrong?"

'Nothing dear, go back to the table'

I signed as I ushered Lila away, as I took my seat at the table I placed a hand on Matteo's shoulder.

'let your Uncle handle his men'

I told him, he grumbled but nodded, but proceeded to bite my neck making me jump. He grinned before kissing my lips and then turning to his food, I rolled my eyes before smiling up at Maria.

"Gabriel, Faith, this is our newest family member and the man that protected our home, Corbin Sokolov, his daughter Lila, and his son Ryan, my boy is head over heels for the little bird"

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I will make sure that if ANY of my people mess with you, they will be punished"

"Matteo~ you've got a handsome young man to call yours, welcome to the family, and I don't just mean work"

Faith winked, I smiled and nodded, and then I began to feed Ryan.

"Daaad, Luis, and Luca were being mean to me as usual, but then when they tried to play their game device thingy it didn't work, they were soooo sad, they tried making me fix it but I refused, then they begged! It was pathetic, so I made them promise to be nice then I fixed it, not that I made it not work in the first place oh no, that wouldn't be nice"

Matteo snickered as he ruffled her hair, she grinned up at him as I chuckled.

"Nice work, Princessa, make sure to tell the teacher or another adult next time kids are mean, okay?"

"Okay, Dad, oh Papa, can Puzzle have bath time tonight? She wants to play with her new bath toys"

'Okay, only if you finish your dinner, and do your homework'

"I will do all my homework and I promise to finish my dinner, I will even brush my teeth and pick up my books before!"

"Good girl"

Matteo says before kissing her head, she went back to her lunch happily.

"you look very young, did you have Lila yourself?"

Faith asked, Lila spoke up as she stole a mushroom from Matteo.

"No, we shared a momma, but when she went up to heaven he raised me, so he is my Papa"

"Oh, and was Ryan adopted as well?"

I nodded my head with a smile, he took a bite of his Peas and made a funny face.

"So, when will I get a wedding invite for you two? Or baby shower invite?"

"Faith, let's focus on Mary-Rose, she is getting married soon anyways"

Alessandro says with a soft smile, helping save me and Matteo. Our faces are both red, and Maria doesn't help!

"Yes, she is getting married soon, but we could at least start planning theirs, besides, Mary is already pregnant, and the baby shower won't be until closer to her due date, and with so much time before then you never know what might happen, we might have to plan a second one"

I cover my face and whine, Matteo groans as Lila giggles.

"Ooh, if you have a baby, can it be a girl? Please, I have a Papa and a Dad, and I have a brother, I'm the only girl!"

"I think a girl would be wonderful! A boy would too, oh I can't wait, I bet Corbin would look so cute, with a big round belly and the pregnancy waddle, I could give you tips on getting your milk up, and I could show you Matteo's birth video, of course he needs to see it too, he needs to be prepared"

"Mom! One, I don't need to see that part of you, thanks, and two, I think you just killed him! I haven't even proposed, let's slow down!"

My face was in my hands, forehead pressed to the table as I whined.
Everyone laughed, and we continued with lunch, thankfully I finished quickly because Ryan decided he didn't like Peas and now we are both green.


I shouted from the shower, he quickly came in with a baby blue towel in hand.

"Pass me the slippery pup, my love, take your time, I will get him dressed and down for a nap, okay?"


I hummed as he took Ryan, and then I sighed as I turned the heat up.
After a while I got out, my skin was pink, and my toes were wrinkly.

"Hey babe, come here"

With my towel around my waist I climbed onto the bed, Matteo hugged me as he pulled me down.

"Sorry about lunch, my mom and Aunt are just like that"

I hummed.

"You would look cute though... A big round belly, and the fact I put it there, ugh"

He buried his face in my shoulder, I smiled as I kissed his neck.

'Maybe in a year or so? For now, we can just practice making a baby, yeah?'

He laughed, throwing his head back as he did.

"With that much practice, I could just hug you and you'd be pregnant, this place will be overrun with our kids"

I laughed and shook my head, then kissed his nose.

'says you, you won't be the one giving birth! You nut job'

"Well I will with a certain kind of job"

He joked, I scoffed as I smacked his chest.

A/N two chapters left

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