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Standing in the gym with my black sling, many of the men and women looked worried, but those very familiar with me just smiled.

By now they all understood who kept the families safe and protected the home, so many were worried to see me in the gym to train with my arm still in a sling.

Thirty minutes into my jog on the treadmill, the door to the gym slammed open, a pissed Matteo glaring at me.
I squeaked as he charged, I tossed the baby monitor at his face as I jumped off the still-moving treadmill.
I bolted out of the room with a grin, soon a large wolf was chasing me.

He told me not to work out, but I did, and of course, I am faster than him on two legs, so I have a wolf after me who has a baby monitor in his mouth.

I hid in my room, panting as I started making a bottle for Ryan who was about to wake up.
But then my door swung open, a naked and pissed Matteo shutting it behind him.

My face flushed as I turned away to focus on the bottle until his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I told you, no, and you still went"

I hummed, then sat the bottle in my bad hand to sign with the good one.


"Oh, right, sorry about... Yeah"

I heard him speed toward the closet, while I was taking it nice long nap he moved some of his clothes in here so he didn't have to move Ryan.
Shaking my head, I take a deep breath to calm myself down before heading over to my bed.

Just as Ryan started to cry, Matteo returned and handed him to me so I could feed him.

"You are still in trouble, got it? Maybe I should make you have dessert after dinner"

I whined, stretching a leg out to shove him as he snickers.

"Come on, you need the calories, just a small dessert, and I will even feed it to you"

'Like you don't feed me my meals already?'

"Alright smart butt, then you don't get to work for another week, how about that?"

I narrowed my eyes, and as I went to kick him he caught my foot, then began rubbing my ankle and calf.

"Ryan has gained a good amount of weight, and he is sleeping through the nights now, and Lila is so smart and really good with her hands, the kid can disassemble and reassemble any device or toy we give her"

I croon, a soft rumble escaping as he begins working on the other leg.
Resting my head against the headboard, I focussed on calming breaths.

Later that day I was in charge of lunch, I fixed salad, grilled chicken, cheese stuffed buns, and fruit salad.
Lila was dipping everything in ranch, soft chattering coming from her, which surprised all of us.

"Papa... My head feels fuzzy... I think I see-"

Her body shifted, a small, wide-eyed blonde and brown raccoon sitting in a pile of her clothes.


Matteo questioned in surprise, I cooed as I gently picked her up. Her nose twitched a soft push in my mind making me smile as I let her in.

'Papa? Did I finally shift? Is this me?'

A rumble-like purr leaves me, my Crow pushing forward to nuzzle our baby with our human nose.

'Such a sweet little raccoon, what is her name?'

'She is asking for a puzzle toy Papa! Can I name her puzzle?'

I nodded my head, and then a new little chatter entered my mind, it was soft a sweet like my little raccoon was loving on me.

I watched as her face relaxed, and more animal-like behavior took over.

'Hello Puzzle, nice to meet you'

"She named her shift Puzzle? Well, that tracks for Miss Lila"

Gio snickered, Puzzle gave a funny little stomp and hiss before lifting my tee shirt and hiding under it.
I silently laughed, Matteo shook his head with a smile.

"Hello, little Puzzle piece, you took your time didn't you?"

He said, she poked her head out of my collar to chatter at him then stole my bite of food off my fork.
I huffed a silent laugh, after lunch, I took Lila up to her room and helped her through shifting back, which took some time but that is normal.

"Papa, I heard you"

I hummed with a smile, she giggled before running off to play.
While I changed Ryan, he babbled and cooed.

That night while the kids were asleep, I got comfortable in the library with a book in Italian.
Working and living with Italians I would like to know what they are saying, not that they would keep very many secrets from me now.

"When did you start reading Italian?"

'Not very good yet, understand better than read, still new'

"Ah okay, it's late, shouldn't you be in bed? Rest will help you heal"

Matteo said, his fingers carding through my hair as I sighed.
I marked my spot before closing the book, my breath caught in my throat as I felt a soft graze of lips on my neck before they pulled away.

I set the book down and looked back at Matteo, he smiled and wrapped an arm around me to guide me to my room.

'Matteo, what is this? What are we? We have feelings for each other, you care for my kids, I dont-'

Matteo gently squeezed me, I looked up at him as we stopped by my door.
He took a deep breath as he faced me, his hands placed gently on my elbows.

"Corbin, I do have feelings for you, and I love being a part of their lives, how would you feel if.... If we maybe dated? I mean I would love for you to be my boyfriend or partner if you preferred that over boyfriend, but I thought that might be too fast?"

He stumbled over his words, and he went to continue but I pecked his lips which made his face heat up.

'Boyfriend is a title I would like, and a status I would great fully hold with you'

He grinned before wrapping his arms around me for a tight hug, I blushed as he nuzzled my hair and a rumble escaped him like a purr.

"I will take you on so many dates, and we can have dates with the kids, I will take you anywhere in the world, buy you whatever you desire"

'Mister, I don't need money spent on me to feel cared for, so keep that black card holstered'

He chuckled as he nodded, I gave him one last peck on the lips before going to bed finally.

(Chapter end! Thoughts?)

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