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Slipping my black tee shirt on, I sighed with relief as the Doctor gave me a positive grin.

"You are completely healed, I had my doubts about you being fully recovered by now since you are a workaholic and a dad of two, but it seems Matteo has kept you from overdoing it, just keep up with the exercises and listen to your body, okay?"

I gave a thumbs-up before running out, my heavy boots thumping against the ground before I slowed down a few doors away from Alesandro's office.

It has been about six months, Ryan is crawling and beginning to talk, and Lila turned seven!

"Corbin, I wanted to make you aware of our guests, my Brother and his wife, my eldest, Mary-Rose, and her Fiance will all be joining us in the next week, and staying for a few months, we will also be hosting their wedding, on top of all that, my Brother will be bringing a few of his own people to help with security, so I want you to oversee that"

I gave a firm nod, and he patted my shoulder and told me to get back to work with a stern but loving father tone.

The day went by quickly, and soon I was standing in the living room as I fixed my black tie.

"Corbin, you look fine dear, why are you so nervous?"

Maria asked as she pushed my hands away, I sighed as I rubbed my neck.

'I've never been on a date before, and I've never been this heavy in my life, what if I make a fool of myself? Won't I embarrass him?'

She sighed with a soft smile, she cupped my cheeks and gave them a light pinch.

"Oh little bird, he is a love-sick fool, if you make a fool of yourself you would be a matching set, he could never be embarrassed by you, and you are a healthy weight for the first time, you look stunning, everything will be fine"

I smiled and thanked her, and soon we were off, Matteo kept my hand in his as he drove to the restaurant.

When we stepped into the restaurant many eyes fell on us, I wrapped an arm around Matteo's waist as we walked side by side.

I watched as Matteo scanned the menu, his dark, warm brown eyes framed with black lashes. A shiver ran up my back as I felt his foot brush up against the inside of my legs, swallowing down the lump in my throat I found his eyes already on me which made my face flush.

"What is my little bird thinking about that has him so flustered?"

I covered my mouth with a hand as I looked away, he chuckled as he leaned back.
The waitress was kind, but the man helping her bring out our food wasn't so nice.

When I let Matteo order for me the waitress thought it was sweet, but when the man asked who had the spicy shrimp salad he answered, and the man snarled.

"He can speak for himself, why are all carriers so helpless? Does he wipe your ass too? All for a little sex"

"I can't speak, I'm mute, and I would like to see your manager"

My phone said, the woman apologized as she dragged him off.
Matteo was red with anger, I reached across the table and stroked his hand.

Soon the manager was over, and Matteo was telling him what happened as I leaned back in my seat, my foot rubbing his inner thigh as I watched his body stiffen up as he fought to keep his voice steady.

When the manager left with the promise of a free dessert, Matteo growled as he gripped my ankle.


I hummed as I started eating, he glared at me as I smiled.

After our meal, we went out to an art show. The whole time was were walking around the show, he would grab my hips or butt, and I would blow on his ear or kiss his knuckles.

And we ended up with a painting of a night sky because, well, a hand went somewhere and I guess my squeak told the auction guy I wanted it.

Pushing him against the car, I nipped and sucked on his neck as he covered his mouth as he groaned.
My hands grab his chest as a suck a dark bruise on his neck, one of his hands squeezes my hip and the other grabs my hair as he moaned.

We were spun until my back was now against the car, one leg around his waist as we kissed and rubbed against each other.

He shoved me into the car before rushing around and climbing into the driver's seat, I kissed his jaw and he grabbed my thigh.

"Babe, are you sure you wanna keep going?"

He asked, his voice shaky and deep and I crooned.
I hummed and nodded my head, my nose brushing his cheek as he drove.
Soon we were parked outside a hotel, Matteo grinned with flushed cheeks as he held up a key card.

"Might have planned for this... Not that I was expecting us to go all the way, but if we were to do anything I thought it would be safe to do it without the possibility of a munchkin or two interrupting"

'So smart so sweet'

I coo over the weak link we share, his nostrils flaring as he climbs out of the car.
I just got unbuckled when I was pulled out of my seat, and he carried me like a bride into the hotel which made my face burn.

Soon we were in a large beautiful room, and the king-sized circular bed was covered in rose petals, and a bottle of lube and a box of condoms were sitting on the nightstand.

My ears burned, and anxiety started to make a knot in my stomach but I trusted Matteo.

We slowly took each other's clothes off, kisses and light touches in between each item removed.
He kissed every scar, even nuzzled where I used to have an ear, and he kissed every finger.

I was laid on top of the bed, my bangs brushed back as I panted, my lower back arching off the bed as he kissed down my body until one final kiss on my ankles.
With my legs spread, and my left leg propped onto his shoulder as he nipped my inner thigh, I moaned.


"Yes, my love?"

"ti amo"

I said quietly as I looked down at him, he smiled as he climbed up me to kiss me.

"Ya tyebya lyublyu"

My eyes watered as I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him deeply and putting all my feelings into it.

( Ti amo I love you, Ya tyeBYA lyuBLYU I love you)

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