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Dream was alone.

The war had been won and it wasn't his side that was victorious.

And that left him alone and without anyone to truly care for him. Every now and then Error would check in and bring him food but it was only to make sure the order was being maintained. Dream had lost because his team was gone. Blue was captured by Nightmares team and Ink had somehow been contained. And that left Dream to fight. And he lost.

So Dream was alone.

Dream often wandered the empty nothingness of the anti-void for hours sometimes even days on end if he didn't have anything to do. It felt like it was one of the only places where he could truly feel like a free being. He used to hang around in purgatory and chat with Reaper before... before Reapers AU joined Nightmares side. So Dream mainly spent his time wandering the anti-void and sometimes it was as if he could hear someone or something.

But he mostly ignored it. And it seemed like it was one of those times where time didn't pass at all and he was just in one of his most treasured memories. That was until Error interrupted. "There you are! I've been looking for hours!" Errors voice cut through the illusion. Dream just tuned him out and started following him back to the portal. Dream knew better than to argue back at this point it was useless.

Dream was snapped out of it again by Error flicking his skull. Dream glared at the destroyer but didn't dare say anything in case he angered him. Error only rolled his eyelights. "Still on the no talking thing huh Dream? Well just so you know Nightmare wants to try and talk again in a few days. And I put the food you typically have on your counter alright?" Error said. Dream just nodded.

He knew what this was. It was a ruse to try and make him lower his guard Nightmare had done this many times over so matter how friendly it seemed it was always a trick. Dream walked inside and closed the door before Error could say another word. Dream was allowed to travel but it didn't feel the same, the AU's felt like they were tainted in some way. So Dream tried to avoid traveling as much as he could it just didn't feel right anymore.

So he stayed inside. He didn't really eat. He didn't need to but sometimes it felt nice. But sometimes it was like his soul was telling him that something was desperately wrong even though the universe was fine. He just ignored it. Although food didn't sound half bad. So he got up from his seat and made a simple pasta dish with lots of wine and some crushed up melatonin.

Dream had a hard time sleeping on his own so he started to rely on those funny little melatonin pills mortals use. And he always added more wine than needed to any dish he made along with an entire bottle to drink when he ate. It's not like he could get drunk easy so he just drank as much as he wanted. When he was done he sat in front of  his TV that Ink insisted they get because it was getting too boring In between missions.

Dream chuckled at the memory. He turned on whatever channel Blue would have liked to watch and started eating and drinking. After he finished his food and wine he was passed out half way through a movie. And Dream awoke.

He knew he wasn't awake he was in well a dream. He was in the anti-void standing as he watched something fall it almost looked unfinished. Dream knew that unfinished creations fell into the anti-void all of the time they just almost never live. But the poor thing came crashing down the left side of its skull not yet finished. Dream jolted from his experience and ran outside and into the anti-void.

He ran until he found it. The small skeleton from his dream. He gently picked it up and walked home taking care to cradle it oh so gently as to not harm it. When he got home he decided to draw a large break in where the missing part of the skeletons skull was using one of Inks old pencils. And Dream couldn't help but notice it looked almost exactly like Nightmare before the whole apple incident.

"Hello..." Dream croaked. It had been ages since he last talked it felt strange to say something again. The little skeleton didn't move and Dream started to panic, what is something happened to it what if it was dying.

What if it needed a soul.

So Dream checked. It didn't it was an empty husk but Dream had a risky idea. He went to another multiverse and grabbed a black apple and took a small piece of  it with him. And he cracked his soul into a small portion, it turned into a small ball of flames which quickly grew. Dream then carefully gave the ball of flames the black apple piece. Nothing happened.

But then it turned a vibrant purple, small eyes appeared on the ball of flames as Dream smiled gently. Dream gently pushed the small soul under the skeletons rib cage and waited for something to happen. It felt like eternity waiting for something to happen, or for the soul to take hold. Dream was about to walk away when the once lifeless husk took its first gasping breath, purple magic swirling around the body before it slowly died down and the small skeleton had a steady breathing pattern.

Dream had done it. He had given life to this small empty husk and had created a sibling of his own. He was going to take care of him as well as he could making sure to give him proper care and attention. Dream wasn't going to let what happened to Nightmare happen again he would make sure of it.

Now all he had to do was wait.

1024 Words

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