Chapter 6 Truth

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I couldn't sleep.

PJ's beanbag chair was comfy but I just couldn't sleep. I slowly crawled out as to not wake him and looked out the window, he lived in such a beautiful place. "Kid?" He yawned, "You alright?" I just simply nod and keep looking out the window. "It's pretty huh?" He asks. I give a small hum and keep watching the beautiful sky.

"Don't wanna ruin your fun kid but it's best you get away from there." He says. "Why?" I ask. "It's dangerous, what if Dream comes back and sees you looking out of the window?" He says. I nod and back away from the window and back onto the chair.

"I don't wanna go back. Please don't make me go back." I plead. PJ quickly envelops me in a big hug and rubs my back gently. "What he did to you was wrong Moon. I'll make sure you never go back to that place I promise." He says gently. I nod into his chest and hug him back finally feeling at ease in this strange place. "Pj?" I yawned, "can you be my new brother?" I slowly start to drift off but I can hear him say "I'll try my best Moon." Before sleep envelops me.

A conversation slowly drifts in and out as I slowly wake up. I sit up and yawn gently rubbing the sleep away from my sockets. "PJ?" I muttered. As my vision cleared I saw PJ at the door talking with someone. "Dad please not now last night was... something." Pj sighed.

As I walk closer I see who he's talking to, "Mr.Error!" I shout delightedly. Pj jumps and turns to face me as Error's annoyed expression turned into a small smile. "Hey kid." He said. "Where's your dad Pj? I thought you were talking with him?" I asked. Mr.Error held back a snort. "Moon, Error is my dad." Pj said tiredly.

Error chuckled at my shocked expression and patted my head with a sleeve over his hand. "No way!" I exclaimed. Pj and Error nodded with Pj looking more annoyed than anything. "Why are you here?" I asked. Error looked away, as if he was trying to hide.

"Pj? Is he taking me back? I don't wanna go back!" I shouted. That instantly sent Pj to hug me tightly as everything was still swirling in my skull. "Error? Please don't take me back Dream hurt me, I don't wanna go back." I whimpered. Error sighed and walked in sitting down on one of the chairs. "I'm not taking you back but you need to meet someone." Error grumbles.

"Nightmare?" I asked gently. Error nodded not even questioning why I knew his name. "Kid, try not to forget me ok?" Pj said with a weak smile. I shook my head slowly. "Not going!" I shouted.

"Kid, please you have to." Error tried to bargain. I ran away from his as he drew closer. "I'm not going anywhere without Pj! He's more like a brother to me than Dream was!" I screamed tears flowing from my sockets. That caused Error to stop in his tracks and look at Pj. He sighed and sat down on the beanbag chair and put on a pair of glasses.

"Kid why won't you leave Pj? What happened." He asked. Pj started telling the story and I interrupted to talk about a couple things that he left out, how Dream grabbed me, the hate in his eyes, how he called me Nightmare. Everything.

"I see." That was all that was said in the following minutes as the heavy feel of last night weighed on us. "I'll... talk to... Nightmare about it, I'll see if Pj can come stay with you." Error said simply, and he left. Leaving me on the floor curled into a ball trying not to cry as Pj sat next to me and laid a blanket over me. "I don't want you to leave Pj..." I sniffle. He hugs me gently rubbing the small of my back, I don't want him to leave me.

"It's gonna be ok kid trust me, everything is gonna be just fine." He says gently. "You wanna go get pizza?" He asks, obviously trying to keep my mind off of this. I hug him tightly. "W-what's pizza?" I ask. He sighs and picks me up, he then carries me through the portal and I'm suddenly in a place with a wonderful smell. My eyelights widen and Pj chuckles.

"One extra large pepperoni with green olives on one half." Pj told the cashier. We waited and a few minutes later we got a super big box that had a good smell coming from it. We went home after Pj payed and I took a bite of the side with no green olives on it. It tasted amazing! I scarfed down the rest of it and grabbed one of Pjs slices to try.

"Woah kid slow down, green olives can be really salty, and I have no idea what Dream fed you in there so maybe just try a little before you shove the whole thing down the hatch alright?" He said with a kind smile. I nodded and tried a small bite, I cringed at the sharp salty flavor of the green olives sticking out my tounge. Pj laughed and pet my head gently. "It's alright kid, they're not for everyone." He said with a smile.

About an hour later Error came back and motioned for us both to follow him through a glitchy portal. The air was damp and thick, something I hated about portal travel. The air and overall feel of the new AU always felt off or strange until I got used to it. Pj held my hand tightly and gave me a small smile.

We soon arrived in what looked like a huge throne room, like one I've heard described in my books. "So, this is what Dream tried to hide hm?" A voice from atop the throne called. I squeezed Pjs hand tightly and stepped closer to him a feeling of unease washing over me.

"Come now child, no need to be scared, I am a friend I mean no ill intent." The voice crooned. I peaked my head out cautiously and gazed at him, he felt, oddly familiar in a way, as if he was my true brother. He stepped down and walked over to me a small smile on his face, he looked, kind?

"Now then child come with me, and we'll get you situated alright? And you can tell me all about your problems with Dream." The man cooed, he spoke to me as if I was an infant. "I don't have to tell you shit!" I shouted. A couple laughs echoed through the room from unknown sources and Pj stiffened. And... he laughed. The man let out a large hearty laugh that could be either inviting or terrifying.

"I see why Dream took you in child, tell me what is your name? Mine is Nightmare." He chuckled. I cracked a grin and loosened my grip on Pjs hand, walking forward. "My name is Moon." I said simply. He nodded and offered his hand for me to take, but... I didn't want to, that would mean I would leave Pj. "No I don't wanna!" I cried out.

"Why not child? Don't you want to get situated?" Nightmares asked. I shook my head and clung onto Pj. "If I let go of Pj and go with you I might never see him again! I don't want him to go!" I cried fighting back tears. He sighed and gently grabbed my shoulder. "He can come with, does that sound alright Moon?" He asked me. I nodded and followed him with Pj nervously following as well.

We got to a big room, it had a nice looking bed and... wait... "Books!" I exclaim as I run to the shelves bursting with books. Nightmare gave a laugh and gently patted my back. "Error was right you are almost exactly like me." He said a grin in his voice. "Mr.Error told you about me? He told bro- Dream. He told Dream that he wouldn't." I mention.

"Well he did tell me, just to be safe, to keep you safe."

"Keep me safe? How?"

"Well, that requires another story completely and I'd rather not tell you that one yet. But I can tell you a short portion of it."

"Tell meeee!"

Nightmare smiled and nodded as he sat me down on the bed. "A long time ago I looked like you, white bones, purple eyelights, the whole deal. But I was in trouble and did the thing I wasn't supposed to and ate an apple that made me like this." He explained. "You got all goopy because of an apple? Was it rotten? Is that why Dream hates apples now?" I asked.

"Not exactly, now let me finish! Dream was desperate to get me back to how I was before, so he tried everything, until I defeated him and we agreed on a truce. And it seems like he never let the old me go, so he got you to fill that place. And if anything went south Error would tell me and I would come and rescue you before it was too late." He finished.

I nodded and hugged him tightly. "I'll never have to go back there again?" I whimpered. He sighed gently and nodded. "You'll never have to step foot there ever again my little Moon." He crooned as his tendrils cradled me. "Pjs staying right?" I asked. He gave a nod and tucked me in bed. "Get some sleep little prince, I'll help Pj get settled but we're gonna have to do something tough tomorrow ok?" He asked. I nodded and watched him walk off with Pj.

And I laid there. I was supposed to be a replacement.

"Who do I want to be?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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