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Bey pov
* 3 month later*
"UGH FUCKKK." I heard Nicki yell from the bathroom. This was her 4th time running to the bathroom in the middle of the night to puke. I quickly ran to the bathroom & held her hair back as she did her business. "It's okay baby, I'm here." I said holding her hair & rubbing her back in circles. "I hate this shit." She mumbled.

I let her hair go & she got up. She flushed the toilet & went to brush her teeth. After she was done, I went downstairs & got her some crackers & a sprite. "Here baby, this should calm your stomach for a while." I said as she smiled. "Thank you baby. This baby is giving me hell already." She said pouting as I kissed her.

"It's gonna be okay, just eat that & try to get some sleep. When you wake up in the morning it'll be time to take your prenatal vitamins." I said as she sighed & nodded.

Morning time

It was time for us to get ready to go find out the gender of our baby. I looked over & noticed Nicki wasn't next to me. I got up & went to the bathroom & she still wasn't there. "BABY!" I yelled as I heard her yell back. "IM DOWNSTAIRS WAITING ON YOU." She said with a slick attitude as I giggled.

After I was ready, I went downstairs & I overheard Onika talking to her belly. She wasn't showing much yet, only bc she's already little. She just looks bloated for the most part. Her parents still doesn't know yet so we're planning on telling them soon. "Momma & DaDa loves you so much already. I hope your a girl but Dada wants a boy so I'm okay with whatever gender you are. Even though your gonna be a girl. I can feel it. We can't wait to meet you." She said in a baby voice as I smiled. "You're too cute." I said as she jumped.

"You heard me?" She asked as I smiled & nodded. "Yeah & it was so beautiful. I love it." I said as she smiled. "I graduate next month." She said as I nodded. "I knowwwww. Im so proud of you. Ain't that right baby girl. We're so proud of Mommy." I said rubbing her stomach as she chuckled. "Oh so now yo I wanna accept the fact that our baby is a girl?" She said as I nodded. "Yup." I said as she shook her head.

"I already ordered my cap & gown, I just hope no one can tell I'm pregnant when I wear it. I mean I am taking online classes now, so I only come to school if it's about graduation. & no one says anything, I don't think it's noticeable at this moment." She said as I nodded. "It's not noticeable & so what if you are showing by then? Can't nobody say anything, hell I dare them too. Don't worry baby, you'll be out of there soon." I said as she just looked down & smiled. "It's not that easy. I still haven't told my parents. I know they're gonna be so excited. Well I don't know about my dad, but who cares what he thinks? I'm grown & I make my own decisions. I'm just so excited to tell my mom & sister, omgggg. & Solo is coming over today. You know, since she moved out & shit." She said as I nodded.

It's true Solo left me. But she said she only moved so Nic & I could have more alone time. She didn't move that far from us, she's actually our block neighbor, meaning she lives a couple blocks from us, but one the same road.

"Okay, I'll cook." I suggested as Nicki just looked at me. "Nope. Me & my baby wanna live. I'll do the cooking. Oxtails, yams, rice & gravy, & Mac and cheese sound good to you?" She asked as I nodded. My mouth started watering just thinking about Onika's cooking. "Yesss, this must be one of your many cravings?" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah & also bc Solo asked for it." She said as I nodded. "But when I ask for something, you don't wanna give it to me." I mumbled & rolled my eyes. She giggled. "What did you ask for that I didn't t give you?" She asked. "Some pussy." I said as she just looked at me.

"But I did tho. That's why I'm pregnant now." She said in a duh tone. "I asked you 2 days ago & you said no." I said. "That's bc I wasn't in the mood. I had just got over my morning sickness & I was sleepy as hell. But maybe after our appointment, then I'll give you some." She said as I nodded. "Me & my dick will be ready." I said winking as she giggled.

"Come on let's go so I can get back & cook." She said with sass as I grabbed a handful of her ass. "I'm right behind you." I said. I locked the door & ran to the passenger side to open her door. "I'm not handicap Bey." She said as I brushed her off. I went to my side once she was settled in. "Sing to me, well us. Sing to us." She said placing my hand on her stomach.

Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standin' in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm lookin' now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face

Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like fallin'
Gravity can't begin
To pull me back to the ground again

"That's all I'm singing for right now. It's kinda a long song." I said as I looked over at her. She was wiping her tears as I smiled. "That's a beautiful song. When did you make that?" She said.  "When you told me you were pregnant, I went to the studio that night & wrote it." I said as she nodded. "I love it so much." She said a ai smiled harder.

I held her hand the whole while I drove to the doctors appointment. Once we got there, I signed us in & we were immediately called.

"Okay I just want you to sit back & pull your shirt up. This is like the same thing we been doing, but it's gonna be a little more pressure bc I have to press down a little so I can see the baby's private area." The woman said as Nicki nodded.

After she put the gel stuff on her stomach, she turnt the light off & our baby's ultrasound showed. She hooked up the heartbeat & I instantly felt in love all over again. This isn't our first ultrasound appointment, but every time we come, I fall deeper & deeper in love. I just love my life.

"Okay so your baby is very stubborn. As you can see baby is turnt the opposite way so I can't tell you what the gender is yet. Beyoncé could you see if you could help Nicki turn on her side?" She said as I nodded. I turnt her & held her body so she wouldn't roll over.

Soon our baby turnt the other way & I didn't know what the hell was on the screen. All I saw was a little body moving fast. Damn my baby moving fast as hell. "Okay now baby won't be still but I can still tell you what the gender is. Do y'all want to know now or was you planning on a gender reveal?" She asked. As I looked at Nicki. She wasn't into stuff like gender reveals so we just wanted to know now. "Now?" Nicki asked looking at me as I nodded.

"Okay well congratulations you're having a........... GIRL." The doctor said as Nicki gasped. I smiled hard as fuck & turnt Nicki back the way she was. "Baby, we're having a baby girl." She said with tears in her eyes as I nodded. The doctor wiped the gel off & pulled her shirt down as I helped her get down.

"I'm so happy. I got my Queen & my princess. All I need is my lil prince." I said as she smiled. "I love you." She said holding my hand as we went to the front office for the ultrasound pictures. "I love you more." I said.

While she was getting her papers & shit, I was thinking on how & when I should propose to her. I was thinking soon because baby girl is coming in November. I have to talk to her parents about this, preferably Momma Carol. But first, we have to tell her that we're expecting.

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