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Nicki pov
*1 year later*
It's been a year since I gave birth to my baby girl. Her name is A'Kari & she's 1 years old. She's the best thing that's ever happened to us. Beyoncé & I got engaged a couple months back on my birthday. It's been the best year for me honestly.

"Go Kari! Go Kari! Go Kari!" I chanted as A'Kari was bouncing up & down in my lap, to Gracie's corner. She started screaming so I put her back in her playpen. Beyoncé was currently out doing whatever. Once Kari was settled, I started cleaning up her toys & shit. Becoming a mother made me realize so much. It takes so many wins & loses to become a parent. I lost out on so many interviews & money because of my baby, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She's way more important than these messy ass talk shows.

"DADADADADADADA." I heard A'Kari yell as I saw Beyoncé walking thru the door. She loves her some Dada. "Okay girl stop yelling damn I know Dada is here." I said as she stared at me. I swear she acts just like me with Beyoncé's face. "Hey baby." She said hugging me as I hugged her back. I pecked her lips before letting her go to A'Kari.

"Hey dada girl. How was your day with mommy?" She said as A'Kari smiled & babbled on & on. Bey just nodded until A'Kari started yelling. "It's her nap time, let me go lay her down." I said grabbing her from Beyoncé. Of course she followed me to Kari's room. It's crazy how she'll only sleep in her room. That's a good thing tho, she doesn't bother us through the night with her cries. My baby like to be alone, just like me.

I hummed her a song & she started rubbing her eyes. Once she started playing with my lips, I knew she was about to go to sleep. I don't know why her & Bey is so obsessed with my lips.

I kissed her hand a few times & she smiled. I love my baby so much. Bey literally gave me the best gift I could've ever ask for. A'Kari Crystianna Knowles.

I laid her down once I knew she was actually sleep. I kissed her forehead & saw Beyoncé standing in her door frame. I walked to her & wrapped my arms around her. "You're so good with her. The best mother & fiancé in the world award goes to you." She said as I giggled & kissed her as she kissed back.

"You changed." She said as I nodded. "I changed for the better. Sometimes I think about how I used to be & I want to go back to being that person but I know A'Kari wouldn't want me to go back. I changed for y'all. Y'all are literally my whole world. I love my babies so much. The day she was born, I wish I could replay that moment. It was most definitely a moment for life." I said as Bey nodded. "We love you way more baby. & yeah that was a very special day. I made a song about it but I just never could get around to releasing it. It's just so personal for me & every time I played it back, I just cry." She said as i awwed.

"You gotta let me hear it soon. Not now, but whenever you're ready. But I have an interview later on today that totally slipped my mind. It's with Ellen though. Are you coming?" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah & Solo wants to keep A'Kari today so we don't have to take her out amongst all them other people." She said as I nodded. She knows how I am about being out with my baby. I don't take her out unless I absolutely have to.

A couple hours later*

It was now time for me to perform. I decided to perform a new song off my album & it was a little emotional for me. I recorded the song when I was pregnant with A'Kari so it's been a while since I had the song, I'm just now putting it on the album tho.

"Give it up for my friend who I claim as family, Nicki Minaj." I heard Ellen say as I smiled. I heard everyone cheering for me. The cameras began to point at me & I got a little nervous. This isn't my first time performing but it's been so long since I've performed, I'm getting chills. I looked over to see Bey smiling & cheering for me so I mouthed 'I love you' to her before the beat came on.

Maybe you died 'cause everybody ask me where you at
I tried to channel you in hopes that I could steer you back
But it's like every intersection we just missed each other
You got your fans waitin', tell me you ain't six feet under
And tell me that you comin' back and you just took a break
Maybe I blamed you for everything, that was my mistake

In hindsight, I loved your rawness and I loved your edge
'Cause it was you who talked me down from jumpin' off the ledge
Your earings bamboo, your long nails too
Your BMW every time you came through
You was the brave heart, you stole Wayne heart
You never switched it up, you played the same part

But I needed to grow, and I needed to know
Were there some things inside of me that I needed to show?
So I just deaded you, left you in all black
But dear old Nicki, please call back

You told me you'd come when I needed you
And you said it so sweetly, I believed you
But I'm standing here calling, I can't see you
But I am holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
To that

Yo, did I chase the glitz and glamour, money, fame, and power?
'Cause if so, that will forever go down my lamest hour
I shoulda kept you with me, gettin' at them nameless cowards
They was no match for you, couldn't defeat your prowess

I had to make them changes, I hope you understood
You see, for every bad, I did a ton of good
But you was underground and I was mainstream
I live the life now that we would daydream

My only wish is you come enjoy it with me
Get on them conference calls, go meet the lawyers with me
The money came, yeah, I tripled and quadrupled it
But I still miss us when we was just on some stupid shit

And it's still fuck the media
They ridiculed you, never believed in ya
They just deaded you, left you in all black
But dear old Nicki, please call back

You told me you'd come when I needed you
And you said it so sweetly, I believed you
But I'm standing here calling, I can't see you
But I am holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
To that

And yes, I'm holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
And yes, I'm holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
And yes, I'm holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
To that
And yes, I'm holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
And yes, I'm holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
And yes, I'm holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you
To that

Once I was done singing, I wiped my tears that were falling & smiled when I heard everyone screaming for me.

It was now time for my interview so I went backstage to prepare myself.

"Okay Nic Nac last question. This a question everyone wants to know. How did you & Beyoncé meet?" She asked as I giggled. "Well I just have to say one thing. We started off as sneaky links." I said as everyone said 'ouuuuu.'

Thanks for reading ❤️!!

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