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The Lord turned around, eyeing Shao Ci, a young figure. Distrust was evident in his eyes; evidently, he wasn't keen on letting such an unreliable person treat his son. He casually gestured for another subordinate to step forward, indicating that Shao Ci should be tested before tending to Julius.

Witnessing this scene, onlookers couldn't conceal a hint of mockery. Clearly, they anticipated this awkward situation.

Shao Ci: "..." If he had truly sneaked in, he might have had a decent meal today!

The subordinate nodded, pulled out a knife, and stabbed it into his arm. Blood spurted out, but Shao Ci maintained a stoic expression.

Shao Ci couldn't help but admire the man's resilience. He walked forward, pressing his hand on the wound, and closed his eyes. Observers sneered; surely, healing required extensive preparation, materials, and magical procedures. Yet, Shao Ci seemed to believe in some innate healing power.

The Lord frowned; impatience crept in as time passed with no apparent change. If Shao Ci failed to heal properly this time, he might order Shao Ci's removal. However, if Shao Ci appeared to be a skilled doctor, the Lord would tolerate even prolonged procedures.

Jared sneered, certain that Shao Ci had infiltrated. "You still want to continue pretending? Your disguise has failed from the beginning. It was a poor trick."

In the next moment, to everyone's shock, the severe wounds began to rapidly heal. Within moments, the injuries were no longer apparent. Shao Ci released his hand, panting slightly. He pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead. "There's no problem anymore. You can check it yourself."

Under the influence of Shao Ci's ability, the subordinate felt a newfound favorability toward the doctor.

Stunned, the Lord and others watched as Jared incredulously exclaimed, "How is this possible?"

Shao Ci responded, "Oh? The question is, how is that impossible? Check and see how his injuries are now."

Jared gritted his teeth, "This must be some kind of magic to cover up injuries!" Traditional medical magic scholars found this contrary to their understanding.

No matter how hard Jared checked, the injuries had clearly healed, and there seemed to be no problem with the patient.

Jared's sharp voice sounded in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

Shao Ci smiled, "You can check to see how his injuries are now."

The Lord asked his subordinate, "What do you think?"

"It's the same as before," the subordinate hurriedly said. "My injuries have completely healed."

The Lord, trusting his subordinates, decided, "Alright, let this doctor come..."

Jared, sensing danger, urgently interrupted the Lord's words, "Lord, let me treat Brother Julius first!"

The Lord was displeased but allowed it. Shao Ci, sensing Jared's intentions, smiled and said, "Dr. Jared is an ancestor. Of course, I have to give in to him."

Onlookers found it ironic. Initially, Jared wanted to humiliate others, but now he feared failure and had to go first.

Jared came to Julius, who looked up coldly. Jared intended not only to heal Julius but also to make Shao Ci, the next healer, appear inferior.

Jared asked the Lord to prepare materials and potions, drew patterns on Julius' arm, and muttered something. In an instant, light lit up on Julius' body.

Most of the items were used to address Julius' uncontrollable symptoms, while a small portion of the patterns aimed to subconsciously resist other healers. Though such behavior was insidious, Jared frequently employed this method to stand out among a group of doctors. However, today, he almost fell short against Shao Ci.

After Jared's treatment, he looked profound. "Brother Julius' condition is rare, but there are ways to cure it. I just need some time. Now that I've done the initial treatment, he should feel much better."

The Lord's displeasure vanished upon hearing this. Excitement filled his eyes as he looked at Julius. "Can you feel the magic power in your body now?"

Julius, still expressionless, nodded lightly, conjuring a small ball of black flames at his fingertips. Onlookers heaved a sigh of relief, convinced of Jared's high standards. Shao Ci seemed inferior now.

The Lord was visibly happy. He turned to Shao Ci, considering his miraculous treatment method. "Then, Doctor Bi, do you still need to come?"

"Of course," Shao Ci smiled. "Although I don't have Dr. Jared's experience, I still have some ways to deal with Brother Julius' illness."

Previously, others might have mocked him, but after witnessing the earlier events, nervousness replaced mockery on their faces. Could Shao Ci's method genuinely work on Brother Julius?

Jared, seemingly confident, commented, "Then I'll look forward to junior's strength."

Shao Ci sensed that Jared had done something. However, these people didn't know that he didn't use magic to heal; he utilized his unique ability, unrelated to the magic system in this world. If Jared could defend against his ability, it would be impressive.

Approaching Julius, Shao Ci held the other's hand, closed his eyes, and applied his ability. Jared, observing from the side, initially felt smug. However, as time passed, his smile gradually disappeared.

Jared, puzzled, wondered why Shao Ci wasn't using magic. Shao Ci opened his eyes, smiling at Julius, who now seemed trusting. Shao Ci declared, "It's done. I didn't expect this ability to be so effective after so long."

Jared, shocked, asked, "What do you mean, it's already done?"

"Of course, it's Master Julius," Shao Ci confidently stated. "Although I just wanted to test the sample, I was able to cure the ailment."

Others were in an uproar. How could Shao Ci cure a disease that even Jared would need months to treat, in the blink of an eye?

"You're lying!" Jared, well aware of Julius' condition, couldn't believe it. Shao Ci had casually cured what he was temporarily suppressing.

"Is what you said true?" Even the Lord eyed him with excitement and doubt. This ailment had troubled him for a long time, and now, it seemed it could be easily resolved.

Shao Ci sighed. "Brother Julius can use magic to take a look." As he attempted to release his hand, magic arrays appeared, tying him up with golden silks. Julius hugged the bound Shao Ci tightly.

Everyone was stunned. This proved without a doubt that Shao Ci was right. Julius could no longer use magic; he could release several levels of magic directly.

Recalling their earlier mockery of Shao Ci, they felt embarrassed. The Lord was ecstatic, Jared aged ten years instantly, and others left dejectedly.

In short, Shao Ci successfully became a doctor in the liege's residence. Although he worked hard for a long time to persuade Julius to loosen the silk that bound him...

Even though Julius was fine, the Lord allowed Shao Ci to stay and promised benefits. After all, he had witnessed Shao Ci's medical skills. If he had any questions in the future, he could look for him directly.

Shao Ci naturally wouldn't refuse. Moreover, his goal was to secretly inquire about the Lord's residence to see how he could return. Furthermore, he also wanted to find out where the future Lord's body was hidden.

On the other side.

In the forest outside the city.

A young man stood up from the pool of corpses. His golden eyes looked ominous under the blood-red moonlight.

"Teacher, do you...hate me already?"

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