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When Shao Ci arrived outside Saint Capital with the divine artifact, the person he was looking for was already waiting there.

A handsome young man who looked exactly like Wendell was standing there. Shao Ci was a little stunned when he saw this familiar face, but he quickly reacted.

Most people would not be able to discover the powerful power hidden in his body, but as long as his strength reached a certain level, he would probably be able to sense his existence from half a continent away. After all, that was the power of a god that could easily affect this world.

It was also because of this that his temperament was very different from the sunny and gentle Wendell. He carried a mysterious and terrifying aura that attracted people to explore the secrets hidden in his body.

Of course, people who do this are like moths to the flame, and will eventually be destroyed by their own curiosity.

Wendell looked at Shao Ci with a faint smile on his face." Long time no see. Should I call you the hero or the devil?"

Shao Ci: "…There's no need to address each other anymore. Anyway, we don't have the chance to continue talking."

"How heartless. We've lived together for so long." Wendell sighed, his eyes filled with sadness.

  Who was the guy who stabbed him to death earlier? Who was the heartless one?

Of course, Shao Ci would not say this directly. He knew that no matter what he said to this person, it would be useless. On the contrary, the more time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for him.

After all, God could only rely on his clone to move around in this world. He was not as powerful as Brother Zeng. Shao Ci could only use this opportunity to save Wendell.

The other party didn't want Shao Ci to live anymore, so he used Wendell's clone to lure Shao Ci out.

"Wendell, who I've interacted with before, and you are basically two different people." Shao Ci raised his head and looked over coldly." We're just strangers. I came here today just to kill you."

"You're so cold. It seems like you've already learned your lesson." Wendell closed his eyes. When he opened them again in the next moment, his usually gentle blue eyes had turned cold gold. Silver lines appeared on his forehead and cheeks, giving off a holy aura.

Now, when he looked over, he could no longer see any trace of that gentle and upright youth. Instead, he was a tool controlled by a completely emotionless god.

Shao Ci's heart tightened, and the surrounding sky instantly darkened. Countless beams of light poured down from within and landed on the ground, sealing this space like a huge prison.

"Welcome me with such a grand ceremony?" "I'm flattered," Shao Ci said.

"If the opponent is you, this is nothing." " After all, no matter what, I can't let you escape again."

"Of course I won't escape." Shao Ci muttered. His gaze suddenly became determined. At this point, he felt a little bit like he had a mission to take the lead role.

A salted fish like him had gone from being forced to become a hero to being forced to fight head-on with a villain boss…Shao Ci found it unbelievable just thinking about it.

But what was even more incredible was that he didn't have the fear in his heart like in the past. Instead, he wanted to fight his opponent properly.

Shao Ci knew that he had escaped too many things. Too many people had sacrificed for today. Everyone had lent him their strength. He could no longer be like the past.

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