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☆ 8. Chapter 8 She is smart but lazyfont record

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Chapter 8 She is smart but lazy

. When the global acid rain came and the apocalypse came, Li Xuezhu applied to stay in school during the summer vacation and worked part-time in a children's dance class. She was also a member of the trapped school.

There are more and more zombies on campus, and the survivors gathered in the twin teaching buildings with fewer people, the fewest zombies, and a wide view.

Li Xuezhu is a very responsible teacher. After discovering that a student has a fever and is comatose, or has mutated into a zombie, or mutated into a person with super powers, he immediately arranges for the person with the fever to be isolated.

Depending on whether they have been exposed to acid rain or have different symptoms of fever and coma, some have more severe symptoms while others have milder symptoms, so they were divided into four isolation rooms.

Jiang Nianwei, who was in a mild isolation room without being exposed to the rain, successfully awakened her wood power for the second time, which was closely related to Li Xuezhu's reasonable arrangement.

If it hadn't been for Li Xuezhu's arrangement, the survivor group would have been led by Duan Mingxuan, the student union president. His idea was to lock up all those with fevers in a lecture theater just in case, regardless of whether they were mild or severe. Whether it’s raining!

In that case, a newly awakened superpower, or a quasi-superpower who has not yet fully awakened and is in a coma, will definitely be attacked by zombies that have failed to awaken, and will most likely turn into zombies!

Although Jiang Nianwei has the ability to sense blessings and misfortunes, even without Li Xuezhu's arrangements, she is unlikely to die in the early stages of the end of the world, but she will definitely have to go through some twists and turns.

It can be said that Li Xuezhu helped Jiang Nianwei.

After Jiang Nianwei awakened her second power, she deliberately led a large number of zombies to where Ye Ruxi and Duan Mingxuan were... This scene was seen by Li Xuezhu, who was in the Twin Towers opposite, with a telescope.

Jiang Nianwei discovered Li Xuezhu's peeping.

It's just that Li Xuezhu found out that she lured zombies to kill people. She didn't do it herself anyway. She insisted that she didn't do it on purpose. Who could do anything to her? She is now a person with superpowers. In the last days, the law of the jungle is about preying on the strong, and strength is the most important thing.

But Li Xuezhu probably saw her disappearing out of thin air and guessed that she had room to hide... If Li Xuezhu publicized this matter, the space in the jade pendant in her hand would not be preserved!

So Jiang Nianwei attracted a large number of zombies to where Li Xuezhu was hiding, and used an ax to open the door of the office room where she was hiding.

Jiang Nianwei thought that Li Xuezhu, who was just an ordinary person, would definitely not be able to escape the siege of seven or eight zombies, so she left like that.

Unexpectedly, in order to survive, Li Xuezhu jumped out of the window on the third floor and broke his leg. He dragged his injured leg and ran away desperately.

Fortunately, at the critical moment of life and death, I met a team of soldiers who came to the rescue.

Later, Li Xuezhu, who became lame and had his face covered with ugly scars with a knife, became a member of the lowest level at the Nancheng Survivor Base, a cleaner.

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