17. What is real?

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Will's voice resonated through the silent hall. All of us were standing there with our mouths agape, taking in Will's cake covered face.

Mia, Caleb, and I snapped out of it when we saw two burly men making their way towards Sophia.

"What the hell?!" I shrieked, running to her, "don't you dare touch her!"

Some man in a red uniform came to Will and quickly handed him a handkerchief. Will snatched it from his hand and wiped the cake and cream away from his face, then, gave me a pointed look.

"I will suggest you stay out of this," he said in a smooth, stern voice.

"Why will we do that?" Mia came to our side, "back off, dude."

Will pinned us with a rage stricken look, "Do you morons even know who you are talking to?"

"Geez, man!" Caleb walked up to us, giving Will a cool look, "we don't care. If you're wrong, accept it and move on."

Will gave us a malicious yet calm smile, "Oh but, that's the problem. I'm not wrong. It was this," he pointed a finger at Sophia, "this peasant's fault."

"You overconfident, egotistical, narcissist, food stealing asshat!" Sophia spat at him.

Uh oh...

Will's eyes flashed dangerously, "You will regret saying that, peasant! Security! Arrest her!"

The two burly men started moving towards us. Sophia was giving them a 'bring it on' look, while Caleb, Mia and I struggled to hold her back.

Oh my god! This Will guy was getting so out of hand... he had received a heap load of insults and a full blow to his ego in front of so many people. It didn't seem like he was going to let it go easily.

If we wanted to get out of this situation, we needed to use some other trick...

I glanced at Mia and Caleb. They seemed to be thinking the same thing. Mia winked at me subtly and placed a hand on her heart.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," Mia let out an ear-piercing scream.

Instantly, all attention was directed to her. She started gasping for air, clutching her heart.

"She's having a heart attack!" Caleb started yelling, "help! Someone help!"

"Oh my god, Mia!" Sophia immediately crouched down, "I told you not to have too much soda!"

This girl...

"Are you kidding me right now?" Will exclaimed, "soda?!"

Sophia shot him a glare, "Yes! Soda! Ever heard of it, asshat?"

"Security!" Will barked again, pointing towards Sophia.

"What kind of prince are you?" Mia snarled at will, "A girl is dying here! Give me some break!"

My eyes widened at that. Shit! Our cover was blown...

Will seemed to realize the about the act too, and folded his arms across his chest, "You know what? Arrest all of them. NOW!"

I didn't even know what to say anymore... there was no one to protest to this, everyone was standing on the sidelines, watching the spectacle silently... even our teachers from school.

That is, until...

"Whoa! What's going on, here?" Noah's voice broke the silence of the hall.

Wow, perfect timing!

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