19. I'm a lost puppy

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The cafeteria was silent for a second before Sophia let out an ear piercing scream, pushed a very angry and baffled Will aside and ran out of the cafeteria.

I had to admit... that girl had some skills...

Will's guard hesitantly stepped forward and extended a handkerchief towards him.

Poor guard.

Will snatched it away from him with a glare and wiped at his face, taking deep breaths to control his rage. Silence had fallen over the cafeteria again as everybody took in the scene.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a kid filming a video on his phone. His hands were shaking and his face was almost pale but, he was still at it. I rolled my eyes.

Next I knew, the silence was broken by Caleb munching on his wafer biscuits, and Mia whispering to someone on the phone. If my friends thought that they were being subtle then, they couldn't be any more wrong...

Will looked like he would love to snap our necks and get it all over with already.

"Where is Noah?" he bit out finally, looking directly at me.

I frowned, "Why are you asking me? How would I know? I'm not his secretary."

"Don't lie!" he snapped, "from the way he was talking to you, I'm pretty sure that you know a lot of things," then, he glanced around at the bystanders and turned back to me again, "can we talk somewhere private?"

I didn't want to but looked like I had to because I didn't want any drama with his moody ass. And maybe just maybe, I could get some information about Noah out of him.

Mia and Caleb were about to protest but I stopped them with an assuring nod.

I took Will to the corridors that were completely deserted and stopped at a corner around the lockers.

"Go on," I said in a bored tone, "what do you want from me?"

"I want you to leave Noah alone," he replied without missing a beat.

My eyebrows shot up, "Come again?"

"I said, stay away from Noah."

"Well, you see," I folded my arms across my chest, "you are tad bit too late for that, your grace."

Will inhaled a sharp breath, "What does that mean?"

"A few days ago, I would have gladly obliged your order," I shrugged, "but, now... I don't think I can do that now."

What the heck was I saying? Why couldn't I stay away from Noah? He was an annoying SOB anyway...

Yeah but, he is your SOB.

I nodded involuntarily to my inner voice's reply and Will gave me a weird look.

But, I didn't know anything about Noah, except that he flirted... a lot and talked dirty... a lot.

Yeah but admit it, you like it.

I nodded involuntarily a second time, and Will gave me a weirder look.

But, Noah is keeping secrets from me and he may or may not be bipolar...

In Caleb and Mia's words, but that's the tea...

"Sorry for ruining tea for you, Soph," I muttered under my breath.

"That's it, you have a screw or two lose," Will declared.

"Sure, perfect for Noah, aren't I?" I smirked.

Looked like my mouth wanted to tick off Will very badly.

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