Asher Michaelson

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We stayed parked in the driveway for fifteen minutes, as I gathered courage to walk up to the house.

Carli immediately recognized the huge all-American red brick house and stayed quiet.

I can do this. I can do this. I will do this!

I got out of the car and walked slowly up to the front door, trying not to let the familiar smell of chlorine and wet grass get to me.

I took three deep breathes before ringing the doorbell. I scrunched my eyebrows realizing how foreign it was to be using a doorbell at Asher's house.

The door opened to a large Border Collie that jumped on me, licking my face all over.

Holy crud, I missed him.

"Max!" Asher called the dog's name while fumbling with his shirt trying to get it over his bare chest. "I'm sorry about my dog, man." Asher still hadn't looked up. "You can keep the ch-" He was about to thrust a ten dollar bill into my hands until he looked up.

"Lace?" His hazel eyes moved up my frame like he couldn't believe me standing here was real.

"Lacey." I corrected him. "Only my friends call me Lace."

"Right." He coughed forgetting about his shirt hanging around his neck. "I thought you were the pizza guy." His eyes widened. "Not because you look like a guy, but I wasn't expecting you out of all people. I...was just guy." He finished lamely and scratched his head. "You look good Lace."

"Lacey." I corrected him once again, not bothering to thank him for the compliment.

"Right, I'll remember that."

"Anyways, I need you to help me save the drama department." I said, cutting right to the chase.

"Lace- Lacey" he corrected himself. "I'll do anything" He stared into my eyes. His words having a double meaning. "to help."

I ignored whatever it was that he's trying to pull. "Bates is dropping the funds for the drama department and investing it all into you boneheads for football. I'm going to start a rebellion." I stated proudly.

He laughed, like it was a joke. "I'll help you, Lacey. Sure, but just how are you going to start a rebellion." He uttered the words like I wasn't serious.

"You'll see."

"I'll go on one condition." He disappeared inside and came out with Max on a red leash. "My boy goes with me."

I rolled my eyes, secretly pleased Max was going. "Fine."

Asher proceeded to locked the front door before making his way to the car with Max trailing behind him.

The closer we got to my 1999 Honda Civic, the more I realized it smelled a lot like hot pepperoni pizza.

I slid into the driver's seat as Ashton opened the passenger side only to see Eli and a large half-eaten box of pizza occupying it's place.

"What the hell Lacey!" Ashton shouted and crossed his arms, as Max jumped in and sat on the middle console. "I-I thought this was a me-and-you thing! Not a me-you-him thing!" he looked in the back seats and paled significantly. "What is she doing here?" He pointed a finger at Carli, who looked equally pale.

I smiled. They deserve to feel uncomfortable. "Just get in the car."

He slid into the back on the right side and huffed. "Don't think I don't know that I ordered that pizza, Wesley." He scowled referring to Eli.

Eli ripped a slice and threw it at Ashton. It missed his face, but not his chest. The pizza slice slithered down his shirt, leaving a grease stain in its wake.

"Dude, this is my favorite shirt!" Ashton shouted.

"Oops!" Eli apologized, between a mouthful of pepperoni and cheese, not sounding sorry in the slightest.

I stifled a laugh and pulled out the paper one last time to cross off Aston's name.





Cara, who had stayed quiet throughout this whole thing, spoke. "Where to next?"

I put the key in the ignition. "My house." I reply

I glance at the clock: 4:05 AM. Only five more hours until school starts. Only five more hours to construct a plan and put it in action.

Only five more hours to potentially save the drama department.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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